• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • India is a world leader when countries are ranked by population. It’s time will come, as the middle class grows and imports from other nations increase, but that is not happening in the next 5 years in my opinion.

    India’s inability to remove the caste system leads IMHO to an equivalent of middle eastern country’s inability to allow women a meaningful place in their society, and is a massive hindrance to reaching its potential socially and economically.

    On the positive side, absolutely has the best cuisine in the world

  • So, from a linked article to the one you sent, it looks like batteries themselves are included in the tarrifs


    Electric vehicle batteries and battery components will also be subject to new tariffs—Chinese lithium-ion battery tariffs rise from 7.5 percent to 25 percent, and rates for Chinese critical minerals, including manganese and cobalt, will move from 0 percent to 25 percent.

    But from the link you sent, for ebikes it appears only their batteries are included and complete bikes are not clearly defined (which I would assume to be not explicitly included at this stage)?

    In a written statement, Angela Perez, a spokesperson for the USTR, said that e-bike batteries imported from China on their own will be subject to new tariffs of 25 percent in 2026, up from 7.5 percent.

    But it’s unclear whether imported complete e-bikes, as well as other cycling products including children’s bicycles and bicycle trailers, might be affected by new US trade policies. These products have technically been subject to 25 percent tariffs since the Trump administration. But US trade officials have consistently used exclusions to waive tariffs for many of those cycling products. The latest round of exclusions are set to expire at the end of this month.

  • Oneser@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzThwack
    1 month ago

    Just making sure you understood ‘g’ here is grams (so 1 kg or 9.8 N) and not 1000 G as in the force of gravity (which would be 9800 N / kg).

    **Edit: I am wrong, it is quoted at around 1000 times the force of gravity. That is insane.

  • Just read up on the Dutch cases and it appears only some details of some cases were released (900 partial released of 30,000 cases between 2012-2021). Of those 8 said their mental illness was the only factor leading to the request for euthanasia.

    This leaves somewhere between worst case (8/900) 0.8% and best case (8/30,000) 0.03% of cases you mention here, where autism or other intellectual disability specifically led to a person being euthanased.

    My intention is NOT to take the importance away from 8 lives potentially unnecessarily lost, but only to put the problem into relative terms. If I was in a dire position and suffering, I would want this option available to me.

  • Do you mean the American government? Because I’m pretty sure that single mum of 3 kids in North Carolina doesn’t care about oppressing anyone.

    Also, politicians are not “normal humans” and normal politicians are exactly like that when they get power, they want to hold onto the power that they have with every ounce of energy and means available.

    The list of wars involving any of the major nations is not short and their playing the victim in each of those only goes so far, so everyone is capable of creating genocidal monsters.

  • I haven’t read a take this ignorant in a long time. The data is worth too much on a global scale for any country to not be intensely spying both internally and externally. Again, there is no “nice” player on the global field and the only people that consistently lose are we, the citizens.

    The fact you believe that these countries hack, but don’t “play dirty” is absolutely bananas.

  • I think people will ignore this because it is on RT before even seeing that it involves Tucker Carlson.

    I would be surprised if any country with a functioning spy agency doesn’t try and put as many back doors into software as possible. Every single person on this planet should be pissed at the corruption of F/OSS and it’s modules (if as widespread as suspected)… this is not an east vs west issue.