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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • The price.

    Bought a used '96 Mazda Protégé off a coworker for $700. Ran it into the ground. Scrapped it for $300 when I could finally afford a better car. Definitely got my money’s worth.

    I got to learn what driving without power steering felt like after the compressor locked up and the drive belt shredded. Ended up replacing it with a smaller belt just for the power steering since I couldn’t afford to replace the A/C. Drove with the windows down for a few months. Good times.

  • I just started and I’m having fun with it so far! Playing a mage and just unlocked my first specialization. Went with the one that gives meteor.

    I think I soft-locked my save while I was having disconnect issues. I can’t leave the area anymore at all. Contemplating starting over. I’m not too far in yet. GW2 and PoE are running fine now, but LE is crashing every time I try to exit the end of time zone without fail.

  • Borderlands 1

    It’s the perfect game. The story is tight. The builds and weapons are fun. It’s not too grindy, but you can benefit from grinding if you want to. The post-apocalyptic trash planet setting has yet to be diluted and the characters have yet to be flanderized by later entries in the series.

    It’s a game that I can pick up anytime and just vibe. My favorite part is collecting all of Tannis’ ECHO Logs throughout the game and getting to follow along with her trauma and descent into madness.

    It helps that it has the second best DLC in the series to date. Secret Armoury of General Knox is chef’s kiss. Assault on Dragon Keep is only better by a hair.

  • I haven’t had a chance to play it much, but I’m loving it so far.

    It feels like slipping into a comfortable pair of shoes. I’m really glad it’s basically the same game again without going too hard on “innovations” for the sake of novelty. They really struck gold with From the Ashes, and it’s nice to see a sequel that clearly understands what was good and bad about the first game. They kept the good stuff, and there are minor QoL improvements to address the bad stuff. It’s perfect.

  • It’s a toss up.

    My favorite time was when I tried to pour myself a bowl of cereal. Got the bowl, milk, and cereal out. Poured the cereal into the milk jug. Put away the milk, cereal, and bowl. Walked away for some reason. Came back and couldn’t find the bowl of cereal I just made. Looked all over for it. Finally gave up and got the milk, bowl, and cereal out to try again. Poured the cereal into the bowl this time. Poured the milk. Cereal is coming out of the milk jug. Suddenly flash back to a few minutes ago when I was picking up spilled cereal off the counter and shoving it into the milk jug because it missed when I tried to pour.

    The worst time I was so sleep-deprived that I managed to throw some trash in the toilet and then I peed in the trash can.