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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Not being in constant contact with everyone you know, and not having a neverending stream of notifications assaulting you via your phone.

    When you got to see relatives who lived far away, you talked about what had been going on in their life because you probably had no idea.

    You read, listened to, or watched the news when you wanted to, unless someone you know told you sooner.

    If you had to wait somewhere without a book or magazine, you just sat there with your thoughts. During childhood, you learned how to be bored and practice imagining things.

  • It goes both ways for “not attractive” women as well.

    This is purely anecdotal, but all of the “not attractive” men I have known who complain there’s no women online for them are only talking about women who are more attractive than them. The ones who don’t complain have realistic standards and can find matches. It also tends to help they don’t have s shit attitude.

    But it’s still a numbers game. More attractive people get more matches, but that doesn’t mean those are quality matches. I guess if all you’re looking for is casual sex it makes a difference.

  • I agree, though it depends on the activity. Going for drinks is shitty on coworkers who don’t drink. Going for BBQ is shitty on coworkers who are vegan/vegetarian. You can’t please everyone, but I think it’s very possible to at least not exclude anyone.

    I worked at a place where everyone came in a bit early on Fridays for free bagels. It was nice to shoot the shit, and most people left a bit early in the afternoon to offset the earlier arrival. Maybe we lost a little productivity. However, everyone knew everyone in that office.

  • I think it depends on your industry and specialty. In my line of work my coworkers are all over the world and can’t really be centralized. There may be clusters in different regions, but it’s hard to justify (in my opinion) coming into the office to see two colleagues you may not even need to talk to that week. It is especially more difficult when meetings are regularly outside of normal work hours.

    My company is still trying to force people back in where there are clusters, but I feel like they’re spending more on bullshit events to make it seem like it’s worth it than they could possibly gain in productivity. It really feels like a bunch of people trying to justify their jobs than anything else.

  • I have family who live in a rural area. It’s very nice to visit because the landscape is beautiful. The locals are also quite nice and helpful if you ever need it. But I don’t want to regularly spend an hour each way to the nearest supermarket or pharmacy. I don’t like driving that much. It seems to me a lot of the money you save on real estate you spend in time and convenience. I see the appeal, but it’s not for me.

  • That’s true. I work in a somewhat “small” work world for my area of expertise, and word does get around about bad employers. People seem to have a short memory once they start offering higher salaries, even though they never keep those up with inflation. A few years later, and they’re working for a shit boss with average pay.