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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve never heard that before and find it baffling.

    Bulbasaur comes out of the gate with two types.

    Charmander becomes Charizard with two types.

    The first (or second) non-starter you encounter is Pidgy with two types.

    The required Viridian Forest had Weedle with two types and if you only got a Caterpie, that becomes Butterfree who also has two types.

    The number of two type Pokemon that you can catch at the start of the game is massive. Probably about half?

  • Let’s say you want to haggle a better price at a shop.

    You can start by explaining that to your DM.

    They might ask how, and you can just generally describe what you’d like to do.

    Not sure how to explain? Ask the DM to better describe the shop or individual.

    Then pick something, maybe they have a sweet hat, or a cool earring. Maybe the store looks really clean or maybe all the other patrons are dressed fancy. Maybe you can investigate the craftsmanship of the weapon or shield and compliment the shop owner.

    The important thing is you pick something, it doesn’t matter what. Maybe that earring you commented on is a family heirloom. Roll well and the shopkeep is reminded of their family an gives you the family and friends discount. Roll poorly and the shopkeep is reminded of how their family was brutally murdered and they ask you to leave.

  • To add, that same season they already killed Glenn.

    He dies, but the show doesn’t really address it. The characters do, but the show at this point was SUPER clear when a character died. Extra slow motion, special music, the works. Then they spend like 6 episodes with him dead, but you really just don’t believe it. Then they reveal how he survived and it’s just ridiculous, it’s basically “the zombies just sorta give up for some reason”. (Or is it like a dozen headshots, I forget at this point).

    Anyway, ALL that happens, then the season ends on a big cliffhanger. Unfortunately the tension is all wrong. The show was moving at a glacial pace where basically if you watched the season opener, the mid-season finale (see, above) and the finale, you’d be mostly caught up on the story. And so this finale robbed us of that too.

    Also the Internet was full of spoilers saying it was Glenn (from the comics) such that all excitement was lost between seasons.

  • https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2023-56/

    That’s a link to the most recent release of Firefox and the security vulnerabilities that were fixed.

    You’ll notice the first one listed says, “This issue could allow an attacker to perform remote code execution and sandbox escape.”

    So if you visited a site that exploited that bug, it escaped the sandbox and ran whatever code it wanted to. Since you were running as root it could do anything it wants. Your device is now the property of someone else. Potentially all your data has been stolen. You probably didn’t even notice.

    Now. Realistically. You probably didn’t get exploited. Your device may not be vulnerable to that particular bug. But new bugs are found, and fixed, and created every day. Can you be sure you weren’t exploited?

    Let’s look at it a different way. Think of it like driving a car with no seatbelt or airbags. As long as you don’t crash, you’re fine. The car still works fine without seatbelts and you have more freedom to move your arms around.

    Let’s look at it a different way. Do you ever lock the door to your home/apartment? Heck do you even close the door? Why not leave it wide open?

    At the end of the day security is about layers and the trade offs for convenience. You can run KDE as root, and you can run Firefox as root. You’ll probably be fine. It’s like driving without a seatbelt or leaving your front door wide open, but you can do it. If you do drive with a seatbelt and at least close your front door, you can probably run KDE and Firefox as a regular user.

  • It seems like a Vulcan Mind Meld can cure just about anything.

    In “Flashback” from Voyager Tuvok melds with a close family member, in this case Janeway, to fix his disease.

    In “Endgame” from Voyager it is implied that a meld will cure Tuvok’s disease.

    In “Sarek” from TNG melding with Picard resolves Sarek’s emotional control.

    I would expect rather than a sex industry they have those that specialize in mind melds. Perhaps a specific family member.

    Having a backup option would still be logical, so random sex is still on the table.