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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Lupus108@feddit.detoScience Memes@mander.xyzQuestionable methods.
    1 month ago

    In the article someone linked below I found this section :

    Archaeologists preserved the newly discovered remains using a variation of a technique developed by Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli in 1863. The process involves pouring liquid chalk into cavities left by decomposing bodies; this plaster fills gaps in preserved bones and teeth, creating a cast of the bodies as they looked at the moment of death.

    So you find a cavity with bones and other remains in there and use it as a mold I suppose? They probably were excavating the city from the ash cover and when they found something that could be remains of a human they stopped digging and used said techniques to preserve the remains.

  • I read Solaris recently and was genuinely blown away.

    Stanislaw Lem was a genius. I recommend also ‘Fiasko’. ‘Ichon Tyhchy’ is also great, it’s a collection of humoristic sci-fi short stories. I’ve been contemplating learning polish just to be able to read Lem, it’s been said a lot of his word play gets lost in translation. Although I have to admit the descriptions of the geometrical forms in the ocean in Solaris where just too much and I skipped those pages entirely.

  • Another dishonest tactic - deflecting to an unimportant part of the argument to hold up the participant with needless explanations for metaphorical concepts.

    What the other user meant is that all we know about space travel is, that we need a lot of protective layers around our crafts just for leaving the atmosphere, so one would assume that craft that supposedly travel hundreds of light-years would need a very sophisticated kind of protection. But there is no way to deliver evidence to a theoretical concept, hence why I said your arguing is in bad faith my dear.

    edit: and now he takes the cowards way out of a failing argument by deleting his comments. That’s another tactic - ending the conversation, rendering all our arguments worthless and essential wasting our time. Jean Paul Sartre described it well in his quote about anti semitism.

  • It’s impossible to prove a negative, you simply can not prove that something ISN’T there. It’s such a transparent deflection and you know that, it’s a common conspiracy tactic, dishonest argument 101.

    As long as there is no physical evidence that proves the existence of extra terrestrial UFO we have to assume that they are not real. So if you want to maintain they exist, you’ll have to cough up some proof.

  • I am not a professional, but I don’t think that small vibrations could damage the mic. But those bumps and vibrations can create noises in the recording, since the condenser moves and creates a noise. Those shock mounts primary use is to minimize the noises by absorbing the vibration.

    The bigger wear on the condenser is you I would say, by talking into it, dirt and humidity travels into the mic and can over time deteriorate the parts and the recording quality. But this is normal wear.

  • It’s a larger failure in the [climate] repository, the issue has been known for years now. They tried to patch it several times, for example with the “Paris [Agreement]” Update, but several big server instances including United.States@America, especially it’s admin @Donnie refused to work on this issue some time, delaying the timeline of the Patch, possibly until the failure becomes critical.

    But I think that the [autumn] patch will arrive on schedule, that could at least partially alleviate the issue for a couple of months, but I think that will only be a hot fix for the symptoms. The bigger repository problems should pop up again unless the [humanity] Framework is reworked.