• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • For me it’s become the opposite. I open reddit /all and see twenty adds for joining the US Army, US navy, I see a few posts with 9k comments. I feel bored. I close it and look on lemme and there’s always at least as much if not more content, and the sheer mass of it isn’t overwhelming to me at all. People are stupid on both platforms, but for me this one has become a less stressful alternative.

    The advertising on reddit is quickly getting out of hand.

  • Meditation, study, gardening, self improvement are paid jobs. We’ve given freedom to those who are able to use it in a responsible manner. Hard labor is a 4 to 5 hour gig that we take turns doing, not because we are forced to, but because we understand the necessity and value of the work. Work is not seen as something we must do to have a house and food, but it is seen as participating in our society.

    Compassion, tolerance, and freedom are primal virtues.

    Personally I love work, I love the feeling of charity, I love learning how to better myself.

  • It sounds like you are passionate about education reform. It’d be a shame if your passion went to waste. I strongly disagree with the dismantling of public education and replacing it with charter schools. The idea is mostly advanced by people with ulterior motives. You, from what you said, truly suffer from traditional education. I get that. As I said, I hated school also. I learn in a very nontraditional way as well. But, public education is for everyone. It’s not simply a work training facility. Many of my students love school. Quite a few depend on school for daily nutrition. These are a few, among many services provided by our public school system.

    Neither of us are going to be able to make fundamental changes. But I am personally providing my students with the best education that I can. Maybe your mom, not your tracher taught you to read. But I’ve personally taught dozens of illiterate kids to read. Not only how to read, but to understand why they read and to even love doing it.

    People learn. It’s what we do. I feel like I am just a facilitator in their independent education.

    Actually, you’d probably be a great teacher yourself. You understand what a lot of teachers don’t.

  • I think the basics of what is taught in schools and truly necessary could be taught to most people in under 4 years.

    Okay. If you have a kid, pull them out of school at 4th grade. They are ready for the world in your eyes.

    13 years I wasted in school.

    That’s your own fault. Drop out and get your GED at 16.

    You mean getting paid and providing a service of value? I’d much prefer it.

    Cool. Go to work. Nobody stopping you.

    You want to change the system? You need more education. Substantiate your assertions that kids should drop out at 4th grade and go to work with quantitative research after you get your masters or PHD in early education pedagogy. Otherwise you’re just blowing hot air about the way the world ‘should be’

  • They should have the right to choose to do what they want.

    Wait you are telling me that, at the age of 7 you were ready to make decisions that affect your entire life? If sitting at a desk for 10 years and learning basic life skills for free is abuse and gave you PTSD… As you said… Just how would you feel sitting at a gas station for 40 years, inhaling carcinogen fumes, and living at a very basic level as a result of the decisions you made as a young child? You basically had a bad experience, and I understand. I hated school as well. It’s actually why I became a teacher. I don’t want to be an abusive dick like my teachers were. But what you are saying is that a young child, who has no basic life skills, should just be able to leave school because it sucks. But the repercussions are that the rest of their life might suck and they’re not gonna blame themselves. They’re going to blame circumstances. In all honesty, aquiring an education is a privilege, and it is a recent development in society that we universally get a basic education. If it seemed like a horrible experience, well it’s behind you. All I am saying is you should have a bit of gratitude for the education you received. If not that, gratitude for the education your mother received, so that she could teach you to read. You seem very intelligent, but you’d not be able to use your intelligence if you didn’t have basic literacy… And consider if your mother, herself, was illiterate and couldn’t teach you. Wouldn’t school be such a gift?