The Lazyest of Banes

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日

  • LazyBane@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldSwap these please
    9 个月前

    Not all. All cars can drive across sidewalk.

    Only at specific points where a car crossing a sidewalk is expected, such as a turn in to a driveway, or an active emergency that would require the car to cross onto the pavement. Drivers can’t just yeet themselves across the pavement for no reason.

    I mean if sneezing at running speed of physically unfit person is so terrible, then why the fuck cars are not hardlimited to 10 km/h?

    Because drivers have to go though training and always have the potential of having their license revoked. Not anyone can just walk up to a car dealership and walk out with a car and no understanding of road law. Divers can just be trusted more than people using other modes of transport, which is why they get to move faster.

    And again, whataboutism. Being the lesser of two evils is not the same as being acceptable.

  • LazyBane@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldSwap these please
    9 个月前

    Yeah, in general. Cars are not allowed to drive on sidewalks under most if not all circumstances. The point is that e-scooters have their restrictions for a reason, regardless of any whataboutism relating to cars. We want walkable cites, not e-scootable.

    No clue what that street sigh means, but I guess it’s supposed to signify a shared space?

  • I would argue ability to provide a service is in it’s self an abstract form of capital.

    Time, energy and willpower can also be viewed as a capital. There’s a reason business owners will pay people to be doing work they could easily do themselves. And I think it’s important that we as a society recognise that any time or energy spent transactionally should be properly compensated.

    Of course we shouldn’t fall for the trap of trying to maximise and optimise every last ounce of capital in our lives, its important to learn to let go of our posessive human nature. But we should appreciate when we are giving and taking things to and from other people.

  • That’s a vague platitude.

    Capitalism works becuase we live in a transactional reality. Food could not grow on trees of the tree didn’t take capital (I.e. resources such as nutrients from the soil, light and heat from the sun) to grow that apple. If farmers did not account for the resources the tree needs the tree would simply die.

    The issue with capitalism today is that we over apply it and forget to help people who truly need help, and thanks lobbying by sociopathic business owners, we have created a system where we much engage with learned sociopathy to survive and function. We look down at the homeless sick and needy and invent backstories to justify their suffering. They must be drug abuses, violent, lazy, etc cetra.

  • Wikia/fandom swallowed up the market but are also just bad at running a wiki network.

    Along with all the problems that come with fan wikis. There’s like two F-Zero wikia right now because the first one was just overrun by fannon and at one point some random person’s OCs and fan theory. And then there’s the Xenoblade wikia repeatedly making edits and then locking pages because the owners have something against the newer games being connected to the older ones, even denying thing’s like weapons that are called Monados, work like Monados and even use the same arts as Shulk’s Monado being “real” monados.

  • F-Zero 99.

    I know a lot of people are writing it off because it’s not a GX remaster, a full new game, or they’ve just lost interest in 99 games and think they’re all generic, but Nintendo’s been clear that they aren’t interested in giving the franchise another shot after GP Legend, the anime and Climax tanked. I’ll gladly take a small budget F-Zero, and F-Zero 99 is just great.

    F-Zero 99 takes every question you’d have about translating F-Zero to multiplayer and just makes it work, with 99 players as well. Rivals and other stat tracking like rank in your machine all gives newer players more achievable goals to work towards instead of just having to flat out lose every round until they “git gud”.

    Switching to the boost = health mechanic of the later games was also a great choose, since it’s a more forgiving version of boost, while also adding some risk-reward. You could burn though all your boost and refill when you get the chance, but that puts you at risk of dying. Expanding the boost meter with KO’s is also great, since it encourages the player to actually partake in a death race for the most optimal performance, especially in Grand Prix where the meter gain persists over tracks.

    The Sky Rail, while an obvious concession for 99 players, still works great as a rubber banding mechanic since it gives players who are behind the chance to jump the pack and have another shot at climbing the ranks. Meanwhile the bumpers/turbo snails that only spawn towards the from of the rankings ensure that if you do jump you actually have to demonstrate skill to keep that lead and that truly better players aren’t just robbed. Not being able to use your regular boost and keep the sky rail meter is great as well, since it just adds more of the risk-reward in deciding to use it now to get access to your boost again, vs saving it for it’s most optimal spot.

    It’s just a fantastically designed game. It really captures everything great about F-Zero, and as a big fan I’m thrilled to have it. I just hope it doesn’t get Mario 35’d, and that Nintendo pays attention to it’s reception and rethinks their stance on F-Zero.

  • Religion can fuel some truly abhorrent things, but at the same time I know people who have used religion and faith to pull themselves out of a really bad spot in life.

    There can be a middle ground between admonishing all religious practices and dogmatic bible thumpers, and that starts with religion being a understood as a personal choice and how people interpret the religion being a reflection on their self and not the every religious person ever.