Kieselguhr [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2021

  • wow, bizarre article, thanks for sharing

    Even if I adopt the lib worldview (Russia = evil, USA=good) — if I build a beach house, but my friends tell me it’s a bad idea to build a beach house, then my friends put military grade explosives in the beach house and blow it up, and they’ll say “see, I told you it was a bad idea” — how is this normal and good?


    Noteworthy in the documents is what is not found in them. The word “Crimea” hardly appears, nor does the downing of passenger flight MH-17 by a Russian missile, killing 298 people, the military attacks by Russia in Syria, or the nerve agent attack on a Russian defector in Britain, only briefly mentioned. And even then, only in the context of whether Russia’s behavior was a “game changer” that could strengthen resistance in the USA. However, entire paragraphs are also redacted in the documents.

    puh-leeeeez, how often do they talk about Iraq and Abu Ghraib when they make business deals with USA?! Do they always write a side report on the Khashoggi murder when they buy oil from the Saudis? How can this be written by a serious journalist?

    It’s telling how many times “Washington” appears in the article

    It seems to get tight one last time when, in November 2021, two German officials travel to Washington and hear growing concerns at the State Department. “Concerns about military escalation are increasing, possible Western responses are being explored,” notes the German embassy in Washington. From the American perspective, Russia is using energy as a weapon.

    The envoys of the Germanic satrapy went to visit the hegemon in Washington to ask permission. They didn’t have the Empire’s permission, therefore the project was sabotaged.

    Even in articles like this one you can read the truth, you just have to read it critically

  • Western libs always say that the war must go on because “that’s what the Ukrainian people want.”

    But how do they even know this? There’s no elections and people clearly don’t want to be conscripted. (The response rate for conscription letters is very low.)

    Even by liberal standards this is bullshit, isn’t it?

    Recruiters have confiscated passports, taken people from their jobs and, in at least one case, tried to send a mentally disabled person to military training, according to lawyers, activists and Ukrainian men who have been subject to coercive tactics. Videos of soldiers shoving people into cars and holding men against their will in recruiting centers are surfacing with increasing frequency on social media and in local news reports. (NYT)

  • they sent an email to everyone:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    The NATO Parliamentary Assembly has issued a statement demanding that Western weapons be allowed to be deployed on Russian territory as well. Hungary believes this is dangerous and could lead to the outbreak of a world war!

    EU member states are sending ammunition, tanks, aircraft, and missile systems to Ukraine. Several European leaders want to send European soldiers to Ukraine. In several member states, there are plans to reintroduce or expand conscription!

    They are demanding that Hungary do the same. Our country is being threatened to send weapons and soldiers to Ukraine!

    However, the government’s position remains unchanged and clear: we do not want to send weapons, and we do not want Hungarian youths to participate in this war. This war only has losers; no one can win this war.

    Hungary wants to stay out of this war! Instead of continuing the war, the Government of Hungary advocates for an immediate ceasefire and the commencement of peace negotiations at every international forum!

    Government Information Center

  • Lib brainworms are so weird: they 100% believe there’s a continuity from tsarist Russia through the USSR all the way to Putin’s Russia; it’s all just a Russian Nationalist Empire to them, never mind the fact that there was a capital R Revolution or that the collapse of the USSR might have changed things.

    But when you ask them about Western Imperialism… well they might concede that the British Empire was not just fun and games, or that the Trail of Tears was unfortunate – but now… everything has changed, and there’s no Western Imperialism, you silly goose (even though there’s a literal continuity, literally the same states ruling the USA and UK as before)

  • The Abrams is a good tank. But like all tanks it was designed during an era when technology was very different. As tanks go: it is far better than Russia’s T-90.

    A problem with the Abrams is that it was designed for Western Germany during the 80’s which had far better road systems than Eastern Europe, and different weather conditions. The Abrams is a very heavy tank, it also requires a sophisticated level for maintenance, and it is designed to be used in a different way than how Russia uses its tanks. Ukraine is coming from the way Russia fights wars.

    It’s a good tank, though you can only drive around downtown Frankfurt in it, because it breaks down elsewhere, but it’s a good tank, very capable. Well, provided you have a very specialized maintenance crew with it when you are driving around in German towns. (No drones please.)

  • Well, the cultural revolution is a different thing, I was mostly talking about post ww2 Eastern Europe, where it is seen as a national tragedy that the 1%-ers and the far right high ranking state officials had to work as peasants for a couple of years in the 50s. I think almost all of them through their education (privilege) and through their connections were able to get back to a kind of “soviet” “middle class” lifestyle after a few years, and they were literally paid reparations after the fall of communism (which obviously led to gigantic corruption).

    Something similar also happened at the universities, where students from peasant and proletarian background were given preference over students who came from a privileged background, even though people who came from formerly rich/middle class families usually had better scores. Again this is seen as a crime of communism, even though we factually know that being from privileged family gives you all kinds of advantages. Commies just wanted to flip the script, so the old intelligentsia does not become the new intelligentsia as well.