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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It’s worse now, it’s an all out react native app, I believe. On windows, it’s hideous. Simple things such as sending attachments become a multiple-seconds-long waiting game; by the time I’m able to send a screenshot, my phone link has already transfered the clipboard from my pc to my phone, I have unlocked it and opened WhatsApp and sent the attachment through android instead. This has happened to me more times than I care to count.

    There’s also this nasty input focus bug, where you sometimes have to tab out of the app entirely and tab back in for it to detect focus on textboxes.

    Its like they’re intently taking steps back on WhatsApp as a whole, kind of reminiscent of Skype’s fall from grace.

  • To add something that I haven’t yet seen mentioned (didn’t read the whole thing), porn. It hasn’t taken off like it did on reddit, and I do miss that. I don’t want my feed covered in porn, but I would like to have quality porn properly covered in an adult instance. Pornlemmy and lemmynsfw just doesn’t cut it.

    Im on infinity, and I don’t love that there’s little to no support for popup gifs and videos on the feed, I mostly have to go into a post whose title may catch my attention then wait for something to load (or not to load, redgifs has been incredibly hit or miss for me as of late, lots of forbidden requests and failed playbacks due to it). Idk, it’s not the experience or the content that you’d expect on reddit using any reddit 3rd party app.

    Other than that particular thing, it’s been getting very us-centric, with political memes or stuff that only us people would care about. I might have to try other instances.

    Other than that, I appreciate Lemmy, it made me mostly drop reddit except for Google searches, and I feel comfortable interacting with people here.

  • I’m pretty left leaning, and I agree. It was already burning me the fuck out on reddit, and now the whole “USA politics everywhere” thing is picking up pace here. Even if it’s not us politics, it can get tiresome after a while when politics bleeds through communities, or when us politics/news bleeds through world politics/news communities. We get it, America number 1, now let me look at some beans.

  • Sure, let’s build what we NEED to build in a conscious way, but have you seen the housing market as of late? China was printing useless buildings everywhere they could just to keep their faux market going, and any place without regulations will try to cram as many people as possible in as little space as possible, forgoing any quality of life or even safety designs in place of profitable designs.

    We love to come together in big cities, and even jobs that don’t need to be on-site end up being on-site, thus worsening the problem. There’s a ton of land out there that could be turned into sustainable housing solutions that could benefit both the people and the environment. I’m just saying we should probably consider other alternatives to “suburban hell” and “communist hell”.

  • Well yes, it’s definitely great as a temporary means of housing, but realistically we all want some breathing room, some privacy, expandability… This is great for cities and Metropolitan areas, but you’re not gonna get people elsewhere to prefer this over, say, a foresty cottage with full privacy, solar energy generation, your own crops, maybe even a water source that you can clean up to provide for your water needs.

    The problem isn’t that kind of house, the problem is the suburban hellscape with perfectly cut lawns that offer little to no biodiversity, little say in house designs, and an infrastructure design that promotes transportation by cars.

    If we simply moved away from big cities, worked from home, and aimed for personal regenerative agriculture or at the very least a more simbyotic relationship with our environments, we’d be leagues ahead.

  • Sorry, but fuck this idea in its entirety. This would allow for MORE apartment buildings to be built, since that is how capitalism works, which results in more damage to the surrounding wildlife. L

    We need more regulations, and we need a more conscious approach to our housing in general. We should be approaching this with symbiosis in mind, cooperating with nature rather than bending it to our will.

    Those houses on the left? Yeah, you could cram so many actual gardens that give you actual food and which could bring so much biodiversity, but we sticking to flat, pure grass gardens that do nothing other than be flat and look green. Fuck everything here.

  • While it’s true that it’s not the entirety of the Russian population, there’s still the oligarchs, mercenaries, media outlets, the entire government body, and a fuck ton of the military, all more than happy to fuck over their ex-comrades as soon as they get the green light. I’m pretty sure that’s who we mean when we generalize “Russians”.

    As a Latin American, this applies to Americans as well. Much love to a decent part (if not most) of the people there, but FUCK the US for fucking us all over with banana republics, neoliberalism, and red scare shenanigans, only for them to then have the galls to turn out to be xenophobic, warmongering, orangeman-loving fundamentalist pieces of shit.

    Anyway, Russia, right. Fuck Putin and his greasy ball of oligarchs.

  • I’m calling out your streaming counterpoint: in the beginning, there was Netflix. It had almost everything from almost all studios, didn’t care about password sharing, and was easily very affordable, even more so if you split costs between everyone sharing accounts. The best part? No ads. The content kept getting better, the show formats kept getting more accesible.

    It was clearly more convenient for everyone to just have Netflix, even more convenient than piracy, but now? Every studio, every company, they all veered away from Netflix and decided to create their own services. Then the price wars started, then the crackdowns on password sharing, and the ad-supported tiers, and then they started canceling shit, good shit, in order to claim them as losses in their tax declarations. And then we all lost, because now we can’t find most content in a single place, we have to endure ads if we want to save money, and we cannot even use some services while traveling since there are limits to devices linked to the accounts. Oh and that show you liked? David Zaslav wanted a bonus this year, so it got shelved even though it was a huge success. It’s no longer convenient to use streaming services, at least not as convenient as it used to be.

    You know what’s convenient now? Piracy, through Plex, Jellyfin, and Emby, all with automations, all easily shareable between friends. That’s what I’m doing now, friends chip in when more storage space is needed, or when some additional service is needed. It’s more work for the more tech-oriented of us, but hell if it isn’t fun to just sail the high seas, giving the finger to these companies, while giving friends a good experience.

  • It’s bad because of how mindless it is. 0 forethought into one’s actions, it’s so easy to send a toxic message and never think about it again, then multiply that by the reach of the influencer, and you got a swarm of pure hostility holding no substance whatsoever. It’s so powerful because it’s so careless. This applies to most - if not all - fanbases, but I imagine the immaturity of the younger audiences in gaming spaces leads to this way more easily.

  • JGrffn@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Joke’s on them, now it’s easier to get high quality pirated content since it’s all on streaming services. A bunch more pirates compete on encoding quality and the best win, giving you more options, better qualities, and faster releases with high seed counts. As a bonus, most subtitles work for different releases since they’re all from the same source. Between that, storage space costs going all the way down, and all the corporate greed leading to N streaming services with expensive subscription costs, it’s the Plex/Jellyfin golden era. I’m currently serving about 40 friends and family with my Plex/*arr setup, and I’m about to add Tdarr to the mix to move everything over to HEVC and save up some disk space.