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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Holyginz@lemmy.worldtoMemesAmerican Liberals
    9 months ago

    Oh no. The tankie thinks they have the intellectual high ground. Kid I’m more informed than you are and I have no interest in tutoring. So keep trying to insult me, it just provides more entertainment for me lol

  • You don’t get to decide what others allow on their instances. It’s regular people hosting these servers and these same people having to moderate and manage those instances. They are the ones who face backlash and the repercussions for what’s posted on their servers so if they choose to make the decision to defederate to protect the instance community as a whole then that’s their choice. Long story short, tough shit. Don’t like things being defederated, create an account on a different server. Or better yet, create your own server than you can choose who you do or don’t federated with and what happens on that server can be your own responsibility.

  • I dont have bipolar so take my little anecdote with a grain of salt. I do have severe adhd though (not the same i know) when I mess up either due to forgetting meds or giving into an impulse, I make sure to tell myself that it’s a simple mistake. It hasn’t ruined my progress or what I’ve done, it’s simply a minor bump in the road that I try to use as a learning experience. Maybe what you did was the right idea for the time but didn’t have as good a timing as you thought or didn’t work quite as planned and you can keep that in mind for the next time?