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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • He said “because of ballooning development costs”. Stardew valley is famously a one man labor of love, the opposite of ballooning development costs.

    $14 pr sold copy is ridiculously high in this context, because development costs is only for one dude.

    You’re comparing this guys runaway success with a company with several development teams, office spaces, marketing teams, accountants, probably janitors, security, etc, etc.

    I’m not saying he is in the right, just pointing out that it is apples to oranges.

  • I once worked on an infrastructure-critical financial application, that was super time sensitive as in, when the user clicked “calculate”, it was critical the they got the results back ASAP.

    We worked really hard to ensure that the app would work 100% of the time, as well as that the underlying infrastructure would leave plenty of headroom to be able to a ridiculous amount of queries at once, and still return the correct result in less than 100 ms 95% of the time.

    Then, we were asked to artificially insert a 3-5 second sleep function, because focus groups revealed that people had a hard time trusting results that appeared faster than that…

    Although, later on, we discovered that, instead of doing the calculations all at once, we could show the user the intermediary results as he was typing in the information. Then when he had typed in the last number, the fact that the result was already on screen would be less jarring, not to mention he could double check the math as he went along.

  • When your favorite band cancels their gig because the lead singer has “come down with the flu”, that’s industry code for “got too wasted, and is currently too busy getting alcohol and possibly drugs out of their system to perform”.

    I even worked one show that had to end after 20 minutes because one guy in the band was visibly under the influence, refused to play, talked to his hallucinations, then spent a few minutes talking to the audience about how his foot was evil and wanted to kill him, before the tour manager could drag him off stage. Then he tried to assault several backstage staff for not allowing him to cut off his foot. This was on a tour that promoted alcohol free rockshows btw, so we didn’t provide alcohol to the artists backstage. God knows what he might’ve purchased from our local street dealers lol.

    The next day in the papers, the headline says “[the band] cancels first week of reunion tour after flu outbreak” 🙃 Yes, of course

  • That’s not fair. I care about security a lot. But implementing security takes time, and hiring me for more hours costs more money. So most entities that need software developed want the solution that costs less and is faster to develop, they don’t really understand what “security” even means. And the reality is, if you really want security in your software, you’re not hiring a dev to make a piece of software, it is a continuous expense to keep the software patched and secured, which is not what most companies want. I’m billing for the hours either way. You just need to point me to the guy who’s willing to pay.

    And I also don’t know anyone who feels incentivized to fix security holes. It’s the software equivalent of having to fix the leaky mystery toilet in a dive bar. Yes, the pay might be high, but it’s also extremely stressful and you’re taking on a lot more responsibility - because it’s already too late. Plus it puts a strain on the relationship with the customer who paid you to develop the software, even though we both know they were the ones who didn’t want to pay to prevent this in the first place. If you think I’d rather stay on high alert 24 hrs a day thursday-monday to fix some preventable shit, than be at home with my family on the weekend, you’re insane. The bonus might make it tolerable. I’d still rather not.

  • I know what you’re thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being that this is a .44 magnum handgun, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya … Punk?

    For anyone who hasn’t seen it, or just hasn’t heard the full version.

    The most interesting thing to me is not that people quote “do you feel lucky… Punk?” Because if you see it not as a direct quote, but as more of a condensed version, that references the movie, and accurately captures the signature “…punk?”

    I think it’s more interesting that people have seemingly turned the quote around, because a lot of people then add the “well, do ya?” At the end. So it’s either “do you feel lucky… Punk? Well, do ya?” Which just doesn’t sound right to me. At least when it’s “do ya feel lucky? Well do ya… Punk?” It captures the essence still lol.