• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • There’s several factors at play here. An athletic heart is not only more efficient down to the conductance of the cardiac tissue, but it also has a larger stroke volume. With those 120 bpm each beat could be pumping 40cc of blood while in the other heart each beat might only be able to pump 30cc. This is because an athletic heart is able to more fully contract to squeeze out all of the internal volume. Think of the conductance of the heart as a snowy hillside. The first time you take a sled down the hill the snow hasn’t been compacted to make a path. The more often you take your sled down that path, the more compacted it gets and the faster you and your sled will go down the hill the next time. Plus I haven’t even mentioned blood pressure decreasing in an athlete due angiogenesis and dilation of already present veins and arteries.

    So to summarize, it’s not just bpm that need to be accounted for here. You also have to consider:

    • conductance lowering the cardiac impulse threshold
    • stroke volume
    • blood pressure
    • levels of contraction

  • That’s a pretty cynical world view. The president was democratically elected by Nigeriens and has support from the majority of the public. Speculation suggests that General Abdourahamane Tchiani initiated the coup because he’s 62 and was about to be dismissed from his position in the government. He cites security risks that were ignored near Niger’s borders, but there’s not been much evidence of that.

    Sure it helps the West to have a more stable, democratic president at the helm of the country you could trade with, but that doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily exploiting the country. France wants to ensure that their supply of uranium fuel isn’t disrupted and the idea of cutting off the export of uranium to the rest of the world was floated by Tchiani. Without the uranium exports, Niger’s net international trade value drops by 15% (-$1.75B to -$2B).