• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • That’s not what this is, this is just taking more money from poor people. People aren’t going to change their entire lifestyle and get healthier because one of the cheapest things gets more expensive. They’ll either pay more and continue to get fat or switch to something else that’s cheap but equally unhealthy and continue to get fat.

    Cheap sugar isn’t the problem, expensive healthier food is. Changing things so the sugar is also expensive is fucking stupid if the aim is to make people get healthier, even ignoring the fact that “making” people do anything is shitty anyway.

  • This is a false argument. They ARE profitable when they bother to try and make a good one. It’s when they fill it full of mtx and drag every aspect of the game except the enjoyment out for as long as possible to try and convince you to buy shit to make it actually enjoyable after you’ve already paid full price. They don’t get create poor games and then complain they’re not profitable enough - bad products aren’t profitable because they are bad products.