• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I’d love to try it out but only self-hosted. And so far I can’t get it spun up. To be clear, I’m sure that’s a me problem. That said, the instructions are pretty spartan and a few commands to run and “that’s it. you can now create an account and login!” but that doesn’t work for me.

    I currently have Immich running and it’s good. But I’ve had two updates break my install, requiring hours of work to get it back to working reliably. They have a disclaimer that this can happen and isn’t ready for production yet, so I don’t fault them for that. I’m just on the hunt for something more reliable. Ente seems like it’s been around a good while. I just need to figure out what I’m doing wrong. The S3 backend is a pretty great feature, imo.

  • Hmm, I’ll have to look into the external library. I must not have paid attention to that as an option or at least didn’t understand it if I did read about it.

    Syncthing would be great, but since my siblings are all out of state, I’d have to walk them through configuring it on their computers and I’ll be honest, I still struggle with adding new peers and folders with that app. That’s a “me” problem, and I’m willing to admit it. But I can look into other file upload options out in the Self Host world.

  • That and not being shown ads in my damn inbox is what lead me to the hunt for a better provider than Gmail. Another I just remembered about Proton that I didn’t care for (and there may be a way to opt out) is the amount of promotional notifications/emails I’d get for their other services. Not as bad as NordVPN, but then again I don’t think anyone is as bad as them regarding self-promotion. I’m happy to pay for a service if it means retaining some more privacy but mostly get rid of ads but the constant need to upsell was getting to me.

  • I tried both. Proton email client on Android at least was awful. Super sluggish to navigate. In fact I have a chunk of credit with them because I cancelled too late to get a refund. No idea what I’m going to do with that. I already have a VPN and a Pwd manager…

    Fastmail has been snappy and I like that the app has a notes section for quick jotting of ideas. I also like that Rclone can attach directly to Fastmail files. They just recently added Proton Drive support too though.

  • Excellent points. I haven’t tried it yet, but the app Hermit has sandboxing as well and creates PWA-type apps out of websites. I’ve been using it for self hosted services that don’t have and Android app component to them. Works reasonably well but I’m not trying to hide info…from myself :)