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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • G’day, you mob of surfacers! Crikey, you lot look like you’ve been chucked in the deep end down here in the Underdark. What’re ya doin’ in our neck of the woods? You lot lost or just got kangaroos loose in the top paddock?

    Fair dinkum, you better not be here to cause any strife. Us Drow don’t take kindly to strangers pokin’ ‘round our turf. Ya reckon you can handle yourselves in a blue, or are ya just a bunch of drongos lookin’ for trouble?

    Anyway, if you’re keen on stickin’ around, you better pull ya heads in and show some respect, or you’ll cark it quicker than a stubby on a hot day. Welcome to the Underdark, mates. Watch yer step, and keep yer eyes peeled. We ain’t got time for any flamin’ galahs muckin’ about!

  • I live in Finland and so the seasonal daylight varies from almost none in winter to always in summer. I got a smart socket connected to my grow lamps for all my plants. I used to have an analogue timer that I would have to keep changing the times on as the season progressed. The smart one now turns on when my alarm goes off in the morning and turns off an hour after sunrise, turns on again an hour before sunset and turns off at bedtime.

    No messing about anymore, it’s one less thing to worry about.

  • Evil_incarnate@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlI made a mistake **RESOLVED**
    5 months ago

    I recommend next time to use btrfs. With / and /home (at least) as separate subvolumes. Each subvolume will use the space it needs, and no more. If you have a 500Gb SSD with 300Gb in /home, and 20 in / they both have 180Gb they can use.

    And when you manage to fill the 500Gb, it’s easy to just add another drive to the volume.

  • I like that one podcast where they established that a dwarf was caught in a dimensional rift and went to Scotland for a number of years before finding a way back home. But he brought back the accent and all the dwarves loved how it sounded so now all dwarves speak with bad copies of a Scottish accent.

    Probably because the DM can’t keep his accent straight. But fun nevertheless.