• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Defaced@lemmy.worldtoWarframe@dormi.zoneNew Player Advice
    3 months ago

    Don’t make the same mistake I made. When progressing through the story, you’ll eventually unlock an operator. I won’t say what it is, but when you do unlock your operator don’t ignore them, get a decent amp and amp parts and level them up. Quest Lines later will require use of your amp and void powers associated with the operator.

  • Part of the issue is that the biggest smartphone manufacturers are all sister companies to each other. Oppo, OnePlus, xaiomi, they’re all different companies under the same banner, so they’re bound to share hardware specs and manufacturing.

    Personally I think nothing phone is the only phone brand that’s innovating on design with the candy bar style phone, but even that’s hard to justify. Samsung has been repeating the folding phone designs and refining them year after year and Google has been pretty lazy with the pixel phones in regards to hardware.

    It’s a weird time for smartphones, can’t push more power without destroying batteries, can’t really innovate with batteries because we’ve hit a wall that only software can help mitigate. Not only that’s we all apparently want bigger and bigger phones, and the only way to realistically get that is with folding display tech, which again chews up battery power.

  • LOL you think I’m a PCMR neckbeard? My PC is old, it’s running a Vega56, not even in the last two generations of graphics cards, I’m fine with 30FPS when it makes sense but I’m talking sub-25FPS with shit frame times that make it feel like a damn slideshow. I prefer consoles, FFS I run a steam deck docked to my TV more than I use my gaming PC. Why do you think I use GeForce Now? So I can play games on high settings and not deal with settings that make my games look like they’re running on an N64. You keep calling me a member of PCMR if you want but I’m not ever here riding Bethesda dick for a shitty game.

  • Defaced@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlTrue next-gen graphics
    8 months ago

    Starfield plays like shit, looks like shit (by today’s standards) and the quests are shit. Neon is a lazy world that only ends up becoming one giant hallway with a few shops. Everywhere else feels lifeless and boring. Starfield was a flop, and while Elex isn’t the best game out there, the fact that it can in fact in some situations stand toe to toe with Starfield on graphical fidelity is just an absolute disgrace. I was on a desert planet in Starfrield in the main story (can’t remember the name) at night, on a balcony running on GeForce Now with an RTX 2080 and getting less than 24FPS, that’s absolutely pathetic, game is just bad.

  • I understand proton isn’t the same thing, it was just an example of a compatibility layer…and how would a bidirectional compatibility layer not be beneficial? X86 in servers may be going away and even that’s debatable, but x86 isn’t going anywhere in the consumer space. Graviton chips are great, but they’re useless if there’s no viable way to translate those x86 legacy applications over to ARM without breaking the bank until your business is ready to transition the workload to ARM.

    Amazon was working on a compatibility layer specifically for this purpose, however I suspect they’ve given up because they’ve slowly added Intel and AMD chipsets back into their general purpose ec2 class for newer generations and there hasn’t been a single word about compatibility with graviton other than just use arm based workloads.

    You just can’t move to ARM because it’s cheaper, that’s just not going to work. You need to make the effort to move away from x86 and adopt applications that are arm native before making that jump. With a compatibility layer it doesn’t matter, that’s where the money is, if I can build a compatibility layer that translates an x86 binary to an arm binary, then I can move those workloads to the cheaper and more efficient server class.

  • It really depends on the games you play. The thing is, you need to be really honest with yourself in regards to what you play and how far you’re willing to go for the ease of use. Most, if not all games that don’t require invasive anti cheat will just work,there are outliers like media foundations cinematics that just don’t work without protonGE, but even that’s not really a problem and getting smaller and smaller with every proton update. Are you comfortable installing the heroic games launcher from a terminal if it’s not available in your software center? If so, then that opens up a whole new library of games to play from Epic and GoG, if not then use a distro that has it preinstalled.

    The Linux community will make you think it’s an easy transition, and for the most part it is, but as someone who moved to Linux full-time and has been running only Linux for about 6 months, there are still hurdles to jump over, it was about 80% click install and play, and the other 20% was troubleshooting and trying different versions of proton. I’m willing to live with those odds if it means complete freedom of my computer and cutting all ties to Windows. If I want to play games that have anti cheat though, I either have to use GeForce now or use my consoles. However, increasing support for crossplay makes this a non-issue in most cases.

    I do hope you make the jump, it’s pretty clear the path Microsoft wants to follow and I don’t want any part of it, neither should anyone else. We’re in sort of a golden age of Linux gaming right now thanks to Valve, and the momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing down thanks to the steam deck.