CrookedSerpent [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2020


  • With those lifts at that bodyweight, you are trained enough to be considered an intermediate lifter. The fact that you haven’t noticed any drop off in strength, in contrast, actually seeing your progress continue to climb, 10 months after you (hypothetically) took your testosterone levels to adrenal levels from gonadal levels is literally not how the human body works idk what to tell you. The effects of androgens on strength and body composition is very clear cut and well studied, you don’t just “get stronger” after starting feminizing HRT unless it isn’t suppressing your androgen production, or you didn’t produce normal gonadal levels of androgens in the first place, or you are a novice lifter (which you don’t appear to be from those lifts but idk).

  • This hasn’t been my experience at all. I experienced MASSIVE strength drop offs almost immediately, and now, 4 years in, (I took a hiatus from lifting for a few years after I started hrt and only am back to training as of a month ago) my body composition and strength is notably weaker than I was even before I started training at 16.

    I can probably attribute this difference to a few things; one is that I was an advanced lifter when starting HRT, with far greater development than could be sustained with adrenal (cis female) levels of testosterone and the 4 year hiatus allows my body to recomp to a level congruent with my hormonal profile.

    Which brings me to my second reason, that being Estrogen on it’s own actually has a negligible to slightly positive effect on strength, while serum testosterone levels have an astronomical effect on strength. According to the current scientific consensus, it is physiologically impossible for a well trained lifter to gain strength and size after taking their testosterone levels to adrenal (cis female) levels and impossible for an untrained lifter to see an increase in the rate of improvement. Seeing your strength in the gym improve (and especially seeing your RATE of improvement improve) after 10 months on HRT is actually a sign that you are most likely not suppressing your testosterone levels to cis female levels. If you know for a fact that your testosterone levels are at adrenal levels, you either were undertraining to ridiculous levels before starting HRT, or you are a crazy edge case that defys out current understanding of exercise science.

  • Ugh… the anxiety that comes with diy monotherapy is the worst, I feel you. Getting an orchiectomy while also doing diy monotherapy did incredible things for my mental health and hrt effectiveness. If you’re in North America I can point you too a surgen who does informed consent orchiectomys, who did an incredible job with me a few years ago. If that’s not in the cards, a small dose of CPA in combination with injected estrogen will 100% shut down all gonadal hormone production and I can also point you to many places you can buy it online if you’re interested. (I would only advice using CPA as a short term solution, as long term it has unfavorable risks for negitive health outcomes)

  • People are saying steroids, but that’s not entirely true, anabolic steroids don’t cause this, but human growth hormone and possibly exogenous insulin use are most likely the culprit. Bodybuilders are well aware of this phenomenon and although we still aren’t 100% sure the exact mechanism, this started happening to bodybuilders who started taking insulin and HGH (in addition to anabolics) in the late 90s and early 00s. Either one, or both of these drugs cause the organs in the torso to grow (among other things) which causes what bodybuilders coined, Palumboism, named after the first guy to show up on stage with a noticable gut despite good conditioning (low body fat).

  • I agree with you in the fact that it’s hard for me to examine my past gender identity because so much of it is tainted by the constant abuse that was my childhood. How can I objectively say how I felt as a boy when I was literally attacked on a daily basis in part due to my femininity (I was very flamboyant and not white in a VERY conservative small town). I think that’s part of the reason why I tend to just want to leave all of that behind me and just identify as binary; parsing that terrible part of my life in my own mind is hard enough, let alone explaing that to people as I telll them I’m gender fluid, but actually I am functionally the most binary trans woman ever please don’t treat me as a man I’ll cry… lol