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On this mega I shall take the opportunity to rant about one of my favorite things: the Webnovel UNJUST DEPTHS!

Do you love transgenders?

Do you love communism?

Do you love queer romance?

Do you love killing fascists in a giant fucking mech?

Would a plotline with all of these things happening in a underwater retro-futuristic gundam setting intrigue you?

Especially if its actually really well written with good characters, rich worldbuilding, and a marxist leninist transfem author?

All of the answers should be: YES I DO or else I WILL BAN YOU

Since you obviously love all of those things then Unjust Depths is perfect for YOU yes YOU! It is DESTINY

The Imbrian Ocean is at a time of severe instability. The monarch of the vast Empire that spans its unjust depths (:3) is sick and nearing death, every territory of the ocean now vying to carve their own Destiny out of the chaos. From the Volk fascists pigmask-off , Zionists hamas-base (they literally will not die why are they still here oh my god), The ‘Anarchists’ (social chauvanists) lenin-dont-laugh in Bosporus, and the monarchs gui-trans of each vast noble domain, each vies for power and prestige no matter who they crush underfoot, but it would be a pretty depressing story without a bright light in the dark.

On the edge of the Empire sits the glorious Union! The (Soviet) Union soviet-chad is a socialist federation of three states (and one anarchist mountain left-unity-4 )that were formerly slave colonies under the Imbrian Empire until they broke away in a fierce liberation war. They have spent the last 20 years since then building themselves up. Whether they be Human bridget-disco , Shimmi kbity-how (Catgirls who usually follow a religion closely related to modern Islam), and Kattaran transshork-happy (a hybrid humanoid species with characteristics of sea life ranging from sharks to cuttlefish)building socialism side by side.

First lead under the revolutionary leader Dashka Kansal, then the Idealist Ahwalia who lead the country to near ruin in pursuit of building a utopia on pillars of sand, then under the scientific socialist three-heads-thinking leadership of the Grand Marshall of the Union, Bhavani Jayanskar (I love Jayanskar so much shes basically as if Stalin, Lenin, and Zhukov were rolled into the same person but was a black lesbian badass who wore the uniform REALLY WELL)(she aint the main character at all tho shes only in very few scenes i just love her so much). Under Jayanskar, the Union has been growing their economy to both eliminate hunger and give everyone a home chad-stalin , but also growing their military capabilities for the inevitable return of the Empire. The Union is alone, but with the people by its side nothing, not even Destiny, can snuff out true freedoms light. specter

As war wages between the Empire and Republic (basically underwater USA) once more over the lands between them, the facade begins to finally crack…

And a border conflict between the Empire and Union escalate, and the dreaded reconquest begins.

Amidst this turmoil, lives our main characters (yes there are multiple and all of them are lovely). Each of whom I personally love dearly, and are very well characterized. Many are soldiers of the Union, some are scientists, some are divers (mech pilots), some are lost strands finding new meaning after joining this band of Brigands

All are Communists steban

All serve the Union USSR

All would gladly give their lives to defending socialism comrade-stoic

but even they would have little inkling of the adventure set in store for them as the lands beneath the waves erupt in fire, fury, and revolt

Can these transgender badasses kick fascist ass?

Can they kiss? (oh my god please kiss ISTG THERE IS SO MUCH SHIPPING AHHHH ITS GLORIOUS)


please do or else I will pout incessantly

just try it pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase i need to talk to someone about it after Cromalin went AFK

(I miss her, she was a real one)


Join our public Matrix server!

As a reminder, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It’s for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    4 minutes ago

    Some thoughts on Nevada part 2.

    spoilers ofc

    The ending. I personally loved the ending, and there’s a very specific reason why.

    Imogen Binnie talks about how, when she was writing + editing + publishing Nevada, she was very frustrated with the stories about trans people that were being published at the time by cis authors. Stories where a tortured trans protagonist goes through hell during transition but ultimately emerges victorious and transitioned. The “Gender Novel™”, as Casey Plett put it. I’ve personally never read any of these books, and I’m not too interested in doing so; but the trend seems indicative of something that I think about sometimes: liberals are obsessed with endings.

    The end of history (lol), the end of racism (lmao even), the end of COVID (how do they come up with this stuff), and — the end of transition. In the afterword, Binnie talks about how she purposefully wrote Maria to be a “post-trans” protagonist, to disrupt the idea that trans people take hormones, get surgery, and happily disappear, their lives as trans people effectively over, ready to live as cis people. The idea that the Gender Novel ™ was pushing. That there is a set “end point” to transition. Maria is clearly still struggling, still wrestling with her issues around dissociation, dysphoria, and transness.

    That’s why I like Nevada’s ending so much. The fact that it doesn’t end, that Maria and James’ storylines don’t get wrapped up with any kind of satisfactory conclusion. Because for a lot of trans people, it doesn’t really end; at least, not nicely and neatly. It unsettles cis liberal sensibilities, cis liberal desires for a conclusion to the struggle. And well, upsetting liberals is my favorite thing.

    Another (unrelated) thought — in class, the topic of James’ pronouns came up. At first my answer was “well idk, I don’t think it’s that serious”, but then I thought a little bit more about it, and I think I came to a different conclusion.

    The entire second part of Nevada is basically a long, drawn-out “what-if” scenario for a lot of trans people. For people in James’ position, it’s “what if a magical trans person descended from the sky to talk to me about my gender issues”; for people in Maria’s position, it’s “what if I met someone who is probably trans, and how could I help them?”

    I think there’s a strong aspect of asking: what would you, the reader, do in this situation? What would you say to James, if you were in Maria’s position? Was Maria’s method effective? Is there any way she could have done it better? I guess this is the question the “egg prime directive” was trying to solve, lol. I wonder how soon that appeared after Nevada’s publication. (For the record, I personally don’t believe in the egg prime directive. But I did bring it up in class when the discussion touched on this subject, because I’m annoying and internet-poisoned like that.)

    And along with that, there’s this question hanging in the air — what pronouns? Maria uses she/her in her head, but well, maybe Maria wasn’t the best at this. Binnie uses he/him. I think this part of the story is written to unsettle people, to unsettle cis people but also trans people too.

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    23 minutes ago

    chat how is it possible that so many people in my trans lit class have accepting parents. how. this has to be some sort of statistical improbability.

  • TheDoctor [they/them]
    57 minutes ago

    I had like two or three days where my chronic exhaustion and poor executive function were just fixed shortly after I upped my e dose. Now I’m back to normal and I just want to cry. I didn’t remember what being unburdened was like and I almost would have preferred to not remember.

  • DeathToBritain [she/her, they/them]
    2 hours ago

    my eyes hurt too much to sit watching youtube all day the past day, so I had to listen to youtube videos. you ever watch that slop content that’s like “I SURVIVED 1000 DAYS IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT’S HARDEST MODPACK” and they’re like 7 hours long. absolutely such bland contet in the moment to moment gameplay, it’s just a dude on his own who is not very good at minecraft, but when you drift off to sleep and wake up 40 minutes later and he has a whole melon farm set up now or some shit, it’s nice nice to keep tabs on the progress. highly reccomended if you’re dealing with a fever and sleeping on and off all day

  • Des [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.netM
    3 hours ago

    still trying to process some stuff i overheard a co-worker say today.

    from past convos she comes across as ideologically incoherant conspiracy pilled right winger. very second-hand though, pretty sure she has a brother she’s close to who feeds her stuff he gets from e-l-o-n

    so i hear her talking at a customer she’s cornered about usual chemicals in food, gut biome, and of course soy “estrogen”. then i think i start picking up on some transphobic shit

    i was working so didn’t catch it all but i swear she was actually crafting some convuluted spiritual explanation for being trans. something about masc and feminine energy. almost jordon peterson stuff and then starts basically saying it’s ok for boys to be into feminine stuff and girls to be into masculine stuff

    all of this couched in more woo language then i’ve heard her use before. “spiritual energy” stuff. sorry this is so vague

    really wish i could have overheard this all. maybe she has a trans kid or family member and it’s breaking her brain so she comes across as making up weird excuses but still accepting of it??

    or she’s trying to say everyone is genderfluid in this weird pop-esoteric way.

    still fuck that shit americans are weird the internet is breaking our brains

  • DeathToBritain [she/her, they/them]
    3 hours ago

    the other day I had a picnic in a cemetery with my undertaker wife, and it sounds a lot more goth than it was. it’s one she goes to for work quite often and likes, quite a few well known people burried there

  • nemmybun [she/her]
    3 hours ago

    My internet is finally fixed after being out for over a week. I missed you trans mega aubrey-cry-2

    FFS and Electro talk

    Exciting happenings over the last week: I had a FFS consult early this week and that’s moving forward. I need to get face scan and after that and getting the surgery authorization I should be on my way for getting that done. The surgeon is kind of an asshole but he does good work and it’s covered by insurance so shrug-outta-hecks

    I also had my first electrolysis session. I guess thermolysis technically. Anyway the actual process didn’t hurt as much as I expected it to even after the numbing cream wore off. A few hours later I have some swelling but otherwise I’m doing okay. Only a bajillion more sessions to go!


    The internet break was also good for my vn, I’ve got the entire base story lined out, ideas for multiple endings and some scenes, the characters are fleshed out, and I’m about 1/4 done with unique character story routes.

  • SnowySkyes [she/her]@hexbear.netM
    4 hours ago

    Still painting a ton of minis these days. It has become some form of mild obsession with me, which is fine. Better than playing video games all the time. I should post them here sometime, but I don’t think there’s many of you that give any damns about WH40k. I do hope that, somehow, this becomes an inroad to doing art. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and was a huge sketcher in school all those years ago. But it never got honed because it wasn’t “masculine” to take art classes in high school. Ugh.

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    5 hours ago

    “Yeah, I’d say I’m more of a butch lesbian” I say as I’m currently rocking a 60% success rate at applying command hooks to my wall to hang my pride flags

    UPDATE: we’re currently rocking a sub 50% average, i lost count