Can you explain?
Can you explain?
Reverse racism in China and to a less extent Japan. Only really exists for white people. Better pay and more attention just for being white but it get old really quick. I’ve actually found that it’s city people who are more annoying about it. When I got to the countryside I find them more kind. With all the things wrong with America, I am thankful for it not being an ethnostate.
They’re leaving town for that period so idk how they could shift if the dog is there or not but that would make more sense!
Last dog/house sitting job I got paid what these people are demanding someone pays them… people can be deluded. Their lovely townhome is pretty rough looking too…
This is awesome and better than any ios app!!
Old computer is a great option. Mine only pulls 50 watts which means no more than 40 dollars a year.
Should have told them Jesus was more important therefore they should give up lent for 40 days.
It’s so fun!!!
I am passionate about it but I don’t attack other people. Thank you for giving me another cringey person to block.
I don’t mean to be any more harsh than they are. There is a reason the average person has a negative connotation towards the term vegan and that person shows it.
I will try to access your community when it federates (?).
You’re the one being toxic. Plant based is a way to escape cringe vegans like you.
I’m vegan but people like you are losers. Animals must live but I must make everyone around me hate me.
For some reason I can’t find it. I wonder if a plantbased sub would be better to include both vegetarian and vegan without the toxicity?
Where is the community? I would gladly join a vegetarian sub because the vegans on this sub are already being cringe.
Why’re you fighting with me when I’m not the one thinking this way…?
Honestly I think they’re too much trouble.
Not the answer I want to give but the honest answer is alcohol, video games, tv with my wife, sex, and tiktok. Anything that turns my brain off once I decide I have done enough work for the day. It isn’t a great way to live and I hope to get out of it after I pass my prelimary exams.