• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Yeah… It’s a good deal for the car but the time just isn’t right. I’m moving to Colorado from Florida so I do need a good car to drive that far. However, after some sleep and reading the responses I’m just going to hold off on the car. I think as the time gets closer I’ll get something but obliterating my savings that ultimately took years to build on a single car is overkill.

  • To be fair the price includes 10 or so original indie titles which if you go by the store front’s average game pricetag ($5.36) that accounts for $53.6 worth. (And that’s really not fair to some of the games I’ve played)

    Correction: The first season of games that come with the device total out at 24 so going off of that original 5.36 average you’d actually have about $129 give or take worth of game value, leaving the actual Playdate device at a $71 purchase for the device itself.

  • I have a playdate and have seen this sentiment a lot.

    Imo the charging mechanic would ruin the usability of the crank in many of the games. Some games require rapid cranking and having a charging mechanic would not only be another point of future mechanical failure, but also slow it down too much.

    It’s also worth noting that the device also has a gyroscope so it can detect tilting, shaking etc as well. It’s very versatile for it’s size. It’s NOT an emulator (though it can run an emulator), it’s a fully original handheld console.

    $200 is a fair price because that includes something like 15-20 games. Every game for the playdate is original and hasn’t existed before it came out.

  • “Done” doesn’t always mean complete, generally that’s where games go that I didn’t finish, never returned, and don’t plan on ever playing again.

    But to answer your question

    Far Cry: horrible update, AI is broken, don’t care to fix it

    Far Cry Primal: Didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it, caused major eye pain too so I couldn’t play long.

    Penumbra: Requiem: Abandoned the vibes of the previous two penumbra games which were the precursors to the amnesia games, didn’t enjoy the puzzles either.

    Planet Centauri: Development Hell, no interest anymore.

    Sniper Elite: weird funky controls just not enjoyable for me got about midway through before tapping out.

    We happy few: mostly abandoned by the devs, game suffered due to being rushed.

    Out of those I beat 3, the rest I either didn’t make the return window or kept for library collection reasons.

  • I agree, huge open worlds are often exhausting for me, and the developer need to fill it often ends up with cheap copy and past Ubisoft methods (collectibles, etc)

    If Skyrim was the size of say, Assassins Creed Odyssey, it would’ve honestly suffered horribly, largely because one of Skyrims best features was the fact that their map was handcrafted and full of detail and secrets.

    Sure you can add secrets to a procgen map, but that developer process that lead to the best ones are largely gone.

  • Modal transport design is probably a huge reason why this works. I would be interested to see the pedestrian deaths in a packed busy city like NYC vs the wide suburban roads of the rest of America.

    My theory is that roads designed with the purpose of driving faster (designed with a higher modal level) are commonly placed within high pedestrian areas within the US (Stroads) and due to that higher modal mental state people are “comfortable” and thus use their phones as their brains are less occupied. While in a busy city street they’re in that 1st modal mental state so they are focused on their surroundings way more.