• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Brainsploosh@lemmy.worldtoTea@lemmy.zipBest sampler?
    6 months ago

    I don’t think you’ll get that type of strength from more tea or loose leaf tea, but you can always make an experiment:

    Do 10x what you usually would, like 10 teabags to a cup of water, and let steep overnight. Then dilute that until you get the flavor you want. 1 parts concentrate to 4-5 parts water is what’s usually used in Russian tradition (with samovar and chainik), and the concentrate by itself might actually be bad for you if you drink a lot of it (like a whole pot, a cup is mostly safe).

    If you want to be all scientific and advanced about it, you can also try to notice how the flavor profile changes with different concentrations.

    But from your description I would guess that you’re after more punchy flavors, which are usually from blends with flavor oils (like the bergamot in Earl Grey) and/or the flavor enhancers. If you can’t do sugar, you could try Stevia or artificial sweetener to get some of that kick without it.

    Lapsang Souchang is one of the most famous and smokiest teas, with a very clear smoky flavor that could work.

    But beyond that, feel free to try loose leaf, but I’m afraid you’ve had to have very very bad/old teas for them to be watery at a bag steeped for two minutes, not to mention your recipes.

  • Brainsploosh@lemmy.worldtoTea@lemmy.zipBest sampler?
    6 months ago

    What do you mean by weak then?

    Much of the charm of higher quality teas come from the subtleties in the flavors, they won’t ever be overpowering. They can taste muted with age or improper dosing/brewing. And using too much tea and/or oversteeping will make the flavor profile saturated/flat, rather than be overpowering.

    If you’re looking for a clear, piercing flavor to “slap you in the face”, you’ll probably want something with a lot of aromatics, like a smoky Lapsang, a reinforced Earl Grey or other flavored blend, maybe a Gunpowder with it’s bitterness, or even Matcha. In the herbals section, Hibiscus and many Rooibos blends might have something of what you’re looking for.

    And you might want to pair it with flavor enhancers like sugar and milk/cream depending on flavor profile.

    A Lapsang sweet tea, or a Matcha Latte might do the trick for you.

  • I came to say precisely this.

    The standard hp for a regular human, which for the setting is probably in better shape than the office honed bodies of today, to be incapacitated for combat and eventually die is about 4 (depending on edition).

    There is maybe one way a trained human could perform a combat biting attack that would render someone unable to fight back, which is a bite to crush the wind pipe, and with all anatomical protection in place, it seems unfeasible even if they would have the jaw strength for it.

  • Theoretically you can put any amount of energy into a laser, as long as you can redirect and synchronise waves. And as several stars and black holes have gravities and stuff that can affect the starships, it seems evident you should be able to charge a laser enough to damage any USS starship.

    And as the phase cannons seem to output 80-500 GJ, you should be able to match that fairly easily with 10 grams of matter annihilation or a second of about 10e-15 of the energy output of a sun type star.

    Interestingly enough, phase modulation of a laser weapon makes more sense than of a particle beam (which the phaser weapons are), and also you don’t suffer from recoil like from phasers.

  • Both of those politicians are duly elected representatives, of the same party.

    A) If the people wouldn’t want to be represented by a soulless, friendless husk or a notorious sex pervert, they wouldn’t have voted for them. Obviously a lot of people see that as an appropriate representation of their values and world view.

    B) Them sabotaging eachother is actually democracy at work, representing their constituents will in the governing of the collective resources and issues that face the nation. Otherwise, they would be impeached or at least not re-elected.

    This is the government the Republican voters want and continue to vote for.

    It just happens to be hilarious as it plays out like a farce, we’re only a few poop jokes away from getting cultural grants.