BeautifulMind ♾️

Late-diagnosed autistic, special interest-haver, dad, cyclist, software professional

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Eventually you have to stop letting your enemy make the rules, and defend yourself.

    Well, it looks to me like both sides are convinced that unless they punish the other side, the other side will keep on doing what they’ve been doing. Acting on that belief only provides evidence for the other side for the case that the other will stop at nothing but the other’s extinction, that the only rational course of action is yet more offensive action until the other side finally capitulates- …which seems unlikely to ever happen so long as Palestine remains the accepted battlefield for the proxy war that this conflict is.

    Yes, Hamas commits war crimes by using civilian infra Yes, Israel commits war crimes by bombing it The context of this exchange of atrocities is… the occupation of Gaza, which meets too many of the measures of a genocide. At this point, neither Israel nor Hamas are defending themselves, they’re cooperating in the genocide of Palestinians The broader context of that is that Israel:Palestine is a proxy conflict between their respective allies, who are just fine watching Palestine burn

  • So if it’s a total blockade now, what was it before? (hint: it was also a blockade then, has been since 2007)

    It’s saddening to see Israel’s military (which is not Israel) attack civilians and civilian infrastructure in retaliation for Hamas (which is not Palestine) having attacked civilians and civilian infrastructure- this is all a shit-show of punishing the innocent to get the other side to back down and it will never end.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldSwap these please
    1 year ago

    An asshole in a truck doesn’t mean they necessarily will drive their truck down the sidewalk like what is common with assholes on two wheels.

    Not to defend irresponsible scooter use, but the ‘but scooters are more commonly a hazard to pedestrians’ argument could (and arguably should) be expanded to include trucks vs. cyclists.

    I don’t always have bad interactions with motorists, but when I do it’s almost always some guy in a truck that feels entitled to drift over into the bike lane while I’m in it, or when there isn’t a bike lane, to overtake dangerously- if I have one thing I feel threatened by when I ride my bike, it’s not scooters, it’s badly-behaving motorists but mostly men in trucks.

    If we’re going to use the ‘I feel threatened by scooters when I am a pedestrian’ measure to justify regulating them, what if I feel threatened by big truck drivers when I am a cyclist? Yeah this all ultimately boils down to inadequate infra so not everyone has a safe or appropriate place to be, and these are all real problems- it doesn’t make sense to me to decide one of them ought not to be addressed.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldSwap these please
    1 year ago

    Cars are not allowed to

    They’re not supposed to do a lot of things, and yet they do all of those things. They speed, they overtake dangerously, they kill pedestrians and cyclists, they kill or injure other motorists.

    “But there’s a rule against it” doesn’t resolve problems like all the pedestrian and cycling deaths that we seem to accept as a needful sacrifice to keep bad transport infra and as-is. There are also rules against scooters operating dangerously. I’m not sure why bigger, heavier, more-powerful vehicles ought not to be subject to similar kinds of controls scooters are