• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • So here’s what I (think I) know. Proper historians please correct me.

    Modern history saw Palestine mainly populated by Christians and Muslims till late 1800s, when a rise in Zionism led to increased migration into Palestine. This kept increasing and really accelerated from Germany in mid 1930s (strange huh.)

    When Israel officially got its title as a nation given to them by the UN in 1947, the Arab nations all voted against as they felt the share of Palestine left to be called Palestine was not enough.

    Conflict has been escalating since. But I feel this is the basis for the conflict as it is today.

  • I believe it works so well on those who are in a bad financial situation because whatever little money they make, they want to/need to keep as much of it as possible.

    That makes them an easy target of “we’re going to lower taxes.” While of course only doing it for the wealthy and screaming the left wants to give your hard earned money to lazy people, immigrants, sex changes or whatever marginalized group is the flavour of the year to attack.

  • A while ago me and my now wife moved out of the country for her studies. We didn’t live together at the time so I was hesitant about selling my place. I also didn’t want to travel all the way back for showings, maintenance or whatever. So I used a broker/realtor.

    And I’m glad I did, as the last people who lived there just stopped paying rent. That economic burden fell on the realtor. They didn’t treat my place nicely, and that was my cost to fix. But I still would have been in a difficult situation with potential squatters who refused to pay rent if it weren’t for them.

    I agree that it’s more often than not pointless, but I was lucky to use them.