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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • You would think so, right? But funnily enough, whenever we find a new type of hominid that existed around us (neanderthals, denisovans, homo florensiensis), we find out that humans interbred with them and they are a part of our modern human DNA.

    I bet humans learned to “other” things that look like humans so they could do things like avoid the sick and dead, dehuminize other tribes to kill them in war. All the very human things we do now.

  • That’s wild! The article mentions it a bit but based on your comment I did more research, black morels or morels in general can cause really bad gastro issues.

    Most articles and papers say is they are undercooked or just eating a ton of them like you did can cause what you felt on it’s own. You didn’t even have to eat a false morel! I had no idea, good to know!

  • The closed primary system is just so fucked in general, these are private organizations that can do whatever they want, the DNC and the RNC.

    I still don’t like Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She was literally marched out of the DNC office because of the bias she showed towards Hillary Clinton in leaked emails. Then she gets hired by the Clinton campaign!

    Shit was so crazy.

  • On the first cast he’s fine, after that and he’s responsible for breaking up a few families who insist that their loved ones “could never be evil”, he’s wrapped up with the local magistrate for months, maybe it even makes it to the Duke himself.

    The second time, after his resentment to the people who caused him suffering, his internal wish that they go as well. He’s fucking gone and you need a new priest.

    *Edit- NVM, since the cleric/priest/whatever is the same level as the caster (the same cleric), it’s just making him deaf for a few minutes, that’ll be more of a wakeup call for him maybe.

  • Bro what are you talking about, you used to lift?

    You’re talking about possibly multiple different squat types. A full depth squat you’ll naturally want to use the bounce, that means you’ve done the exercise correctly, it’s entirely natural.

    A full depth squat with no bounce would be called a pause squat, you are purposefully controlling the bounce so you train a different part of the movement, you use these with regular squats.

    A box squat or parallel squat does not use the full range of motion, you either stop at your thighs being parallel to the ground or you use a box or a chair for a queue.

    If you have someone discovered something that every expert hasn’t, you should write a book!