• JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com
    1 year ago

    I just don’t understand our societies lax take on gun control.

    In Boston, there was a restaurant owner that got mad at a guy so he rode up to him on his bike and tried to shoot him in the street! He’s only being charged with assault!

    Motherfucker tried to commit murder and shot into a busy restaurant and no one seems to really care.

    • evatronic@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      There’s a problem, of course. To fix it, we have tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas.

    • dottedgreenline@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Guns are about fear and cowardice.

      Any modern culture that pushes weaponry to its centre is a culture that plays its hand more openly with its manipulation of fear. It’s like flags; some countries are flag crazy, they represent a lot of violence and pressure to fall in line, but they seem benign and they are surrounded by tales of heroism and hard-obtained “freedom” from a spooky other.

      I believe weaponry fetishism takes this one step stupider and cuts out all the implications and supposedly says, “I will fucking shoot your whole family if you mess with me and mine!” But even that is a lie, it actually just tells people to fall in line with the accepted norms or be constantly threatened with execution.

      It is a huge pressure to put on any group of people and can only lead to various modes of destruction. Ultimately it does not at all seem to be an actual facet of any so-called “cultural” reality (as with most elements of any group of people’s accepted norms), but it seems to connect to the maintaining of control over the economic movements of those living within a set of controlled borders.

      Everything always leads back to finding ways to control the largest amount of people most effectively to continue the wealth of the most wealthy elements of that group. I believe any culture that heavily relies on nationalism and religion is actually a culture of violence, and plays on fear and foments cowardice to maintain control.

      Weaponry is just the dumbest, shittiest end of that stick; the US, on the whole, seems like a very shitty-handed idiot who is also constantly soiling themselves because they are so scared, waving their hands around, smearing shit on everything they touch.

      Europeans are not so different, they just pretend the shit on their hand isn’t shit, but some sort of a traditional chocolate mousse, and pretend their trousers are also not brimming with faeces, but, hey, at least they don’t have guns! (I’m not even sure if that was sarcasm or not).

      I guess I believe everyone is just as fucked as everyone else under this global economic system until our wealth and value mindset is shifted towards the current lies of egalitarianism told inside any modern Western education system. Make those lies a reality!

      Edit: Clarity.