• BURN@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Lots of my generation (early 20’s) is feeling like it doesn’t matter if we vote or not. The entire time we’ve been able to follow politics it’s been shown over and over that it doesn’t matter how the people vote, if the bad actors want something done, they’ll do it anyways.

    I do what I can and vote when I get a ballot (mail in voting is probably the only reason though), but I’m not out there expecting it to matter.

    Many people don’t have the luxury of mail in voting. Republicans in the US are actively making it harder to vote, and those barriers work. People may want to vote, but if their only options are spend a day in line (where it’s illegal for volunteers to hand out water) or putting food on the table, most are going to choose food.

    Our voting systems encourage non-participation for ‘poors’ - not through outright telling them not to vote, but by making it so hard to vote that no matter how fired up people are they still can’t be heard.