Well, the other post was a flunk, expected the forms to be used but only one user used it and I thank you for doing it. So I’ll just post a couple of major questions from the form that are important for recruitment. Just answer all the questions please and thank you for applying.

  1. How active are you in the community?

  2. Why do you want to be a moderator of the community?

  3. What will you do if you were a moderator of the community? As in how will you moderate our rules?

  4. Are you going to treat people harsher based on there political views?

  • gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world
    1 year ago
    1. My profile will give you an idea, but I give this community a glance at least once every 24 hours and probably could step it up more if I was needed

    2. I want to maintain a space where people can share facts, opinions, and the occasional joke about important things that shape all of our lives. Also, I watched reddit’s politics page go from occasionally OK to horribly moderated dumpster fire from about 2011-a month ago and I don’t want to see that happen here.

    3. I would strive to apply them equally and stick to their literal content as much as possible, only doing my own interpretation of them when it seems necessary. I’d also try to work with other mods and get consensus on determinations wherever possible. I’d also try to be open to appeals from users to reconsider determinations. Lastly, I’d try to use the least harsh means that would produce the effect I’m looking for (e.g. try to avoid banning where a removal would do).

    4. So long as your “political views” aren’t about whether certain people with skin tones/ethnicities/national origins/sexual preferences/genitalia/physical ability limitations/religious practices that make you uncomfortable should be allowed to exist in peace with full legal equality, no.

  • aidan@lemmy.worldM
    1 year ago
    1. Not really yet- but I was the only one who used the gform at least!

    2. I don’t know, I could give a moralistic reason for wanting to foster discussion- but it’s also just because I want to contribute to a community I can enjoy participating in.

    3. Probably largely lurk, or engage the same as any other user- only stepping in when people are breaking rules. I don’t intend to be a powermod or setting rules strictly.

    4. No, I disagree with everyone on something, I understand that someone can be smarter than me, more informed than me, and a more moral person than me and still disagree with me- and plenty do.

  • Yarla98@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Mike - I’m on for 1-10 hours a day (yes, seriously)

    I like being busy and helping others. Providing a safe and structured community makes it better for everyone and if I can help with that, it would be a bonus for me.

    I’m not exactly sure what type of answer you want for this one. Mods delete posts that are inappropriate. Ban people if absolutely necessary. Remind others of the rules and allow them to correct their actions. I’m fine with all of this and much more if needed.

    I don’t hold politial views against anyone. I have my own and don’t want people to hold them against me because they disagree with them either. If I am here to perform a job/role, that is my #1 priority, and I will do so without any of my own beliefs causing issues.

  • rdeets@lemmy.world
    1 year ago
    1. I’m just getting started, but I’ll become more active as I get used to Lemmy’s interface.

    2. I’m passionate about politics. I’m Autistic and you could say that politics is my special interest.

    3. Well, we know what not to do after years of watching the abuse by the mods of r/politics. It should be open, simple, and reputable. Ban disinformation and hate speech, filter out tabloid sources, and focus on driving healthy conversations within the community.

    4. It depends on your definition of “political views”. Disinformation, hate speech, and anti-science propaganda that leads to people getting killed has no place in a civil community.