Civil rights groups and Democrats reacted angrily to the US supreme court decision in favor of the Colorado web designer Lorie Smith, who argued she had a first amendment right to refuse to provide services for same-sex marriages. Critics of the court’s decision say it ushers in a new era of prejudice in America.

“This ruling on LGBTQ+ rights by the Maga-right activist wing of the supreme court is a giant step backward for human rights and equal protection in America,” said the Democratic Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, in a statement. “We will continue to fight to ensure that all Americans, including LGBTQ+ Americans, have equal protection under the law.”

The progressive Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib called for term limits of justices on the conservative-dominated supreme court which has now ushered in a series of decisions rolling back well-established rights, such as overturning federal protections on abortion and affirmative action.

“End lifetime appointments for supreme court justices. Enforce a binding code of ethics. Expand the court,” Tlaib posted on Twitter.

The New York congressman Ritchie Torres said: “Scotus invokes religious liberty to license discrimination against LGBTQ people. The LGBTQ community might be the first victim of the supreme court’s decision but it won’t be the last. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Civil rights groups were also vocal in their shock and warned of the impact on LGTBQ+ communities across the US who see it as opening the way for people and businesses to legally refuse services to LGBTQ+ people.

“This decision will have a devastating ripple effect across the country by creating a permission structure, backed by the force of law, to discriminate and endanger LGBTQ+ people and trans youth who are already so at risk,” said the Rev Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, president and chief executive of the Interfaith Alliance.

“Discrimination under the guise of religious freedom is not just unconstitutional, but antithetical to our values,” added Darcy Hirsh, director of policy and advocacy at the group. “Just as people are free to explore matters of faith and personal conscience, people should also be free to express their sexual orientation and gender identity without fear of discrimination or harm.”

The Human Rights Campaign, one of America’s largest LGBTQ advocacy organizations, called the ruling in the case, known as 303 Creative LLC v Elenis, “unprecedented” and a decision that “will have sweeping and harmful impacts on the LGBTQ+ community and is a dangerous step backwards”.

“Our nation has been on a path of progress – deciding over the course of many decades that businesses should be open regardless of race, disability or religion. People deserve to have commercial spaces that are safe and welcoming,” said the organisation’s president, Kelley Robinson, in a statement.

But the Republican former vice-president Mike Pence, who is running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination and popular with rightwing evangelicals, praised the court’s decision.

“Religious freedom is the bedrock of our constitution,” he said, “and today’s decision reminds us that we must elect leaders who will defend that right and appoint judges who support religious freedom.”

Kristin Waggoner with Alliance Defending Freedom, the group that brought Smith’s case, said the court had “rightly reaffirmed that the government can’t force Americans to say things they don’t believe”.

In a six to three vote, split down ideological lines, the highest court ruled that the first amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing the website designer to create expressive designs with which the designer disagreed.

In the majority opinion, Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote that the free speech amendment in the constitution “envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands”.

Gorsuch also invoked George Orwell, writing that “if liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.

The liberal justice Sonia Sotomayor responded to Gorsuch, writing that “the majority’s repeated invocation of this Orwellian thought policing is revealing of just how much it misunderstands this case”.

    1 year ago

    This is what happens when Dominionists/Christofascists gain a foothold in government. Here’s hoping the rest of the world will accept US refugees in the future.

    • darthfabulous42069@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      See, this actually is something I’ve been worrying about for a long time, but no one really takes me seriously when I bring it up:

      The U.S. is in a perfect storm of massive debt, failing infrastructure, a collapsing economy, and disaster after disaster because of climate change. This is what’s been driving the rise of fascism in this country – and that’s functionally what this shit is, no swastikas required – and it’s apparent to anybody with any insight that the Supreme Court doing this is driving the final nail in the coffin of a once-great people.

      And by that I mean it’s going to cause civil war, and a genocide attempt. This is the kind of shit that happens in countries whose people turn against each other – go read about the collapse of Yugoslavia in the late 20th century, and the Rwandan genocide, and the path the U.S. has been following is very, very similar to the one those countries went down.

      I am gravely, gravely worried that because of this ruling, and the one banning abortion, and especially the other one banning forgiveness of student loan debt, that that’s going to put Americans in a position so catastrophic they’ll have no choice but to fight each other not just to survive, but to be allowed to exist on the soil they were born on. It’s like watching the Serbs pick on the Bosnians all over again, the Hutus getting riled up by their radio media to annihilate the Tutsis.

      Many red states are passing constitutional carry laws and I beg everyone of the LGBTQ+ affiliation, and everyone else on the left really, to avail yourselves of that. Forget about stupid fucking gun control, this is not the time or the place for that; those motherfuckers WILL come for you and if you care about yourself and your families, then you’ll heed my warning and prepare now.

        1 year ago

        USA has always had serious sociological problems, back in the 70’s it at least looked like there was a will for progress, but not so much anymore. Yes there are still good people in USA, but there is an overwhelmingly large portion of people who actively desire and even work towards making conditions worse.

        1 year ago

        If it gives you any comfort, I was recently thinking about the Civil Rights era and how many of the old Trunp supporters you see were alive through that era. These are people who grew up in a time where Civil Rights were not a given. Same for LGBT rights. People out there still remember an era where that hate was normalized. There are young people that are anti-LGBT or explicitly racist, but they’re exceptions to the trends. So find comfort in the fact that we’re still in an era of transition and that these fuckers will die out sooner than the rest of us. Also, when it comes to war it’s the young who fight and these old fascists are overwhelmingly geriatric.

        • darthfabulous42069@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          I remember reading about shit like this in history class and thinking that if anybody ever tried to pull any of that shit on me, I’d be in jail. And I likely will, because I will be out doing non-violent protests of this shit if any business in my county decides to put up any “No LGBTQ+” signs. You bet your ass I’ll be handcuffing myself to their doors. 🤦🤦🤦 What a world we live in.

          1 year ago

          In 1988 when I was in hair school and instructor was diagnosed with HIV and was fired. He wasn’t allowed to do hair anymore either. Lost his job and cosmetology license. Wasn’t allowed to touch people. We weren’t even allowed to talk about it. HIV and AIDS were running rampant and it was buried for years. People were treated as lepers. Wasn’t until a young boy was infected from a blood transfusion that they even took it somewhat seriously. Only 35 years ago.

          Had a friend who died from AIDS in 1992 that was infected from a breast implant surgery and tons of folks wouldn’t go to her funeral!