Think Amazon, Apple, etc.

I use different emails via SimpleLogin for many services just to make it easier to spot when an email is caught in a breach and to spot just which service is the one that got breached (think of big paste breaches). Another example is if I have my real email address breached, some malicious person could see if I have an account with a service by entering my email and seeing if anything comes up (your password was incorrect, profile picture I have on the account, a password reset email has been sent to redac*** I’ve seen this a lot with my Microsoft account, which I disabled my email for, and instead use my Gmail address for, but I digress.

I use my Amazon account a lot, but was holding off on using an alias on it. Obviously if I stop paying for a relay service I won’t have access to the email relay service and possible forwarding, but this shouldn’t be a problem. I was curious about how people here utilize aliases and the way you personal have your system/workflow setup.


    1 year ago

    Everything I run through simplelogin with proton unlimited. Don’t give out my real email to anyone unless it’s someone I know irl

    1 year ago

    I have two domain names. One goes to anonaddy and I use that for all non-important stuff. Maillinglists (for discount), orders on a sketchy site, signingup for social media.
    The other ends up at protonmail and is for more serious stuff I don’t want to route via anonaddy (while I trust the developer and the service, I just want extra safety). I use aliases at protonmail as well to know where stuff comes from.

    Deciding which domain to use depends on a couple of things:

    • what happens if they access my mail. Is there a payment option connected, can they get into other services or request stuff from the government? If yes, chances are I go with the proton route.
    • do I expect a lot of advertisement, selling of my data or security breaches? If yes, I go with the anonaddy route.

    For amazon I use the anonaddy route. I do not add my creditcard or bank account to my account and if they do gain access, they will only get my email.

    Hope this helps.

    1 year ago

    For the most part yes. The account I’m posting from now is relatively identifiable but I will probably switch to a more anonymous one with an anonymous email at some point.

    1 year ago

    Austici if a free email service that allows for 5 aliases at a time, but at anytime time you can remove one and create a new alias.

    100% of all email addresses I give out are an alias to my Austici account.

    For Amazon, I use alonger alias address that I create when I order something so I get the email notices about my order, then after I get my order I delete the alias so all Amazon emils bounce back because if I didn’t order something, there is no reason for Amazon to email me.