I have been trying to take my digital privacy more seriously as of late, but I find myself falling into a cycle of all-or-nothing. I will do a little bit to improve my privacy and then will suddenly feel like I need to go full-on down the rabbit hole. This leads to burnout, and then I’ll convince myself that it’s all futile and I should just use what’s most convenient.

How do you all find a balance that works for you? Or do you just change things constantly?

  • JoeKrogan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Do what you can. I use WhatsApp even though I despise it…why because I need to for elderly family and . I have signal also and will opt for that and use that where possible. Its a marathon not a sprint. If you need to use fb or instagram use the website with ublock for example.

    Of course you can avoid them too but its not always realistic. Like some bank apps won’t work without google play services for example. So make up a bullshit google account and use that. Then use your real email in k-9 mail for example.

    Need to sign up for something use aliases such as mozmail duck.com or simplelogin.

    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. We are social creatures by nature.

    Using Linux with Firefox and ublock for example is a great start. Then work on limiting stuff you don’t want out there, closing old accounts. Using a password manager for example keepass xc. Signal if you can.

    I didn’t have a reddit profile but I made one here as I’m ok with sharing stuff here on my terms. There is no trackers or corporation or nasty ads.