Like seriously, cars are such an irrational system it is no wonder it never really works in practice. Every city that goes the car-centric route ends up as a inhabitable shithole where people cannot drive anyway and have to spend hours stuck in traffic or looking for parking.

I guess an argument could made for a responsible motorcycles, at least people could be carefull if they find themselves in similar danger to a pedestrian.

  • signofzeta
    1 year ago

    As someone who lives in the suburbs, I don’t really have a choice. This and the rural parts of Connecticut simply weren’t designed for public transit. At best, I’d need a car to get to a bus stop, or to the train station serving NYC. Statewide, it’s a little better than it was even ten years ago, but only the biggest cities around here will remotely be considered car-free.

    At least there’s a cheap fast-charger near me, so car trips do wind up being inexpensive, and I’m not spewing pollution behind me as I drive by peoples’ houses.

    • coderadeM
      1 year ago

      I don’t blame anyone forced into driving, it’s an all too common problem. We need to be redesigning our cities and nations to allow everyone to not have to own cars. Really we should be very actively encouraging transit while disincentivising cars. America used to be the gold standard for rail and now it’s the laughing stock. No reason we can’t go back to leading the world in train amount or technology

      If you’re forced to drive, electrics best for sure, thanks for the step in the right direction.