Whenever I talk to people who are apathetic to politics I always say “apathy is a political statement.” I’ve found it to be pretty effective once I explain what I mean.

Apathy is a privileged view of the world. This is a somewhat extreme example, but if you are apathetic to politics while there are people living on the streets you are essentially saying “those people’s lives don’t matter. I don’t care if they die, are harmed by police, etc.”

This is how I converted my girlfriend actually. Good luck out there comrades. <3

  • Red Wizard 🪄
    1 year ago

    Recently, if I run into someone who says “I don’t pay attention to politics that much.”, I’ve become accustomed to saying some variation of “You might not be interested in politics, but politics is definitely interested in you.”

    Undoubtedly there is some characteristic the person has that can be directly related to our current political landscape. One of my coworkers needs a medication to live that costs him $2000 a month out of pocket until his deductible is hit. Another wants to retire soon, but because his big corporate job laid him off over COVID, that’s up in the air.

    It’s usually a good in road, but I’ll have to keep yours in mind too.