• @TheOubliette@lemmy.ml
    511 months ago

    Reminder that USAID is used cynically as a form of leverage for US interests, it largely funnels money back to private industry in the US, and it is heavily involved in absurd propaganda that calls (US-supported) military coup governments democratic and (US-opposed) governments the usual series of adversarial clichés (hand-picked successor authoritarian strong man etc etc). The US State Department has its own positions on the war and groups in Ethiopia and you would have a good chance at being right if you guessed this was targeted to undermine the groups they do not want in charge.

    Really though this just warrants skepticism, we can’t definitively tell the exact strategy yet.

    • @knfrmity
      1011 months ago

      To go even further, not only does USAID make up part of the Bretton Woods institutions of imperial extraction, these institutions are designed to keep over-exploited countries food insecure and reliant on imports.