No corporations, no profit based businesses, no state. Only non-profit organizations. Would this be communism?

If so, could this possibly be self-sustainable? How can such decentralized society structure possibly self sustain without the threat of centralization?

    3 years ago

    As long as property has been abolished and therefore people don’t need to “make a living”, this could work. You’re talking about a Commune abiding by the principle “from each according to their capacity, to each according to their needs”.

    Personally, that’s the only state of things (pun intended) which i meant with “communism” or “anarchy”. If there are people owning/ruling the workplace (such as a Nation State) it can only lead to injustice and tyranny.

    How to resist the threat of centralization and power abuse? Usually such schemes emerge when we don’t have a tight-knit community, or when we don’t have practical answers to a practical problem, then a savior on their white horse comes around and promises to fix everything (spoiler: does the opposite). By distributing power and resources, we destroy the material conditions which favor power abuse in the first place.