As Chinese and Russian trolls take over the internet, the China Bad Times has once again proved itself a vital piece in the “war of resistance” against the corruption of the free and democratic ideals of the west. However, many of our freedom fighters are aging and can no longer find time to combat the never-ending hordes of dirty asiatics.

Our localized training centers have solved this problem. Let’s follow esteemed professor Krakk Pott, Ph.D, as he gives us a complete tour of the facility.

“Now,” says the Professor, “Bolshevik propaganda is everywhere. Therefore, in order to purge this nonsense from the heads of our warriors, we first block out all propaganda from the communists that infest the internet. We only give them articles from enlightened and free western countries, ensuring they can be free thinkers. We want them to think independently, after all.”

The Professor then leads me into a room where a group of teenagers are watching a rousing speech by our great Lord and Savior, the One With Foresight, the almighty Adolf Hitler who saw the dangers of unhinged bolshevism. As we watch, the teenagers throw their arms into the air and exclaim, “Sieg Heil!”

“Sure, it might seem a bit extreme,” says the professor, “but hey, we’ve got to make sure these guys know freedom. And freedom means our point of view. We’re giving them the opportunity of a lifetime. They’re developing their own opinions as we watch!”

We turn into a massive hallway where students are exchanging beliefs in the Free Marketplace of Ideas.

“I hate commies and love Hitler!” one person exclaims.

“I do, too!” many others agree.

“Isn’t it great?” Pott asks me, “They’re developing a camaraderie, while also fighting communist propaganda.”

I have to agree. I tell Pott that I think it’s great we’re providing a space for students to use their own minds to debate ideas and to see through propaganda by using logic and common sense.

“One particularly bright student is Mr. Fullar Beloney rightt here,” he says, introducing me to a short, fat teenager with a clipped mustache.

“Hello!” Beloney says. “Heil Hitler!”

Due to time limits, this is all we can reveal for now. However, keep a lookout for our brave internet warriors the next time you’re resisting a communist invasion on reddit!