Not sure I have had a migraine, but I have been taking nearly 700-1000mg of caffeine a day because I am so burnt out, and I have no end in sight. I’m trying to detox from caffeine for at least a week now because I keep having headaches no matter how much caffeine I take (on top of my stimulant). I have no paid time off, I have to work on holidays to be financially stable, and I am struggling so much. I’m so bored out of my mind at work, and I come home super tired and spend literal years doing a single step in any of my hobbies that I am trying to build into something that financially supports me. I spend most of the time at work hiding in the bathroom, and somehow they don’t fire me for coming to work a couple hours late every single day for the past couple years (I am making up my hours after work, also staying late to avoid the horrible traffic).

I totally relate to how he feels and how he struggles in this video. I relate to the guilt and the frustration of struggling to do things I could easily do when I was younger. I feel like we are connected by morphic resonance because he tends to make videos specifically at the time I am facing a similar issue.

I think I should join an Autism support group.