In fairness, I also don’t trust British think tanks.
True, but for the correct reason i assume.
Liberals conservatives
Being so incredibly stupid
Conservatives watch grizzled middle-aged men do violence to avenge their dead wives and “protect” their teenage daughter figures.
Liberals watch Adults In The Room who Make The Hard Decisions and Get Shit Done.
The slop comes from the same source and just has different seasonings as it settles.
Same energy as 2000s-era conservatives saying they would never vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Lmao they downvoted yogothos instead of apologizing.
The drive-by and the distant sound of feet slapping pavement is one of the internet’s finer delicacies
A source that might disagree with my uninformed opinion?? Must be RuZZian disinformatziakhov
What does “NPR” stand for anyway? Probably New Putin Report I assume
RFE? Russia ForEver is available for purchase if anyone wants to set up a funny redirect
- Buy
- Share links to western CIA-backed media
- Write in Russian: “Use these sources when talking to americans!”
- ???
- All western media is now russian propaganda could you link this please? not going to comment(maybe DM it to me, so other aren’t tempted) just want to see the rest of this morons takes