“I see nothing for the future.” The young man is not impressed by empty platitudes about the greatness of America?


Take one young Pittsburgh man I met in a recent focus group. A college graduate working part-time as a bartender, he felt weighed down by hopelessness, adrift in a country where rising costs, stagnant wages and lack of affordable housing have made even the modest ambitions of other generations feel out of reach for him. “Hope is great,” he told me, “but I see nothing for the future.”

The young man’s experience reflects a broader crisis of confidence and purpose, rooted in economic insecurity and social disconnection. The Covid pandemic exacerbated the alienation, with many first-time voters spending thousands of hours isolated and online in their formative years.

While these struggles affect the whole country, they weigh especially on young men of all educational, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Nearly three-quarters of Gen Z men report feeling regularly stressed by an uncertain future, stirring painful memories of the Great Recession they witnessed as children. These feelings erode self-esteem and diminish their interest in personal relationships and long-term planning, leading many to describe their future as “bleak,” “unclear” and “scary.”

Today’s young men are lonelier than ever and have inherited a world rife with skepticism toward the institutions designed to promote and defend American ideals. Men under 30 are nearly twice as likely to be single as women their same age; Gen Z men are less likely to enroll in college or the work force than previous generations. They have higher rates of suicide and are less likely than their female peers to receive treatment for mental health maladies. Most young men in my polling say they fear for our country’s future, and nearly half doubt their cohort’s ability to meet our nation’s coming challenges.

The rest of the article is garbage. It makes it seem that it was easy for Trump to be a Pied Piper. And the text entirely ignores the bipartisan failure to address the issues of younger voters. I wonder why the writer would have that POV and ignore the democrats’ failure?..

By John Della Volpe

Mr. Della Volpe is the director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics. He runs a research firm that conducted polls for a PAC supporting the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigns.

Here’s a suggestion by the brain genius.

To reignite the hope of the emerging generation, Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service — name it the Generation Z Compact to Rebuild and Renew America. Such a plan would offer a sense of identity, community and patriotism, while providing economic stability and skill-building — things many young men feel they are missing.

Comments are off because of course they are.

  • yeah so, the Democrats “tried” the national service program already, in their typically means tested and useless fashion.

    they offered to forgive the remaining balance of student loans from 4 years of school for those of us that worked in public service for 10 years making monthly payments of 10% of our income.

    I joined because I give a fuck about civic duty for some stupid reason, so I am intimately familiar with its processes. the program for tracking payments and servicing us has only been effective at taking the 10% of our income. I completed 10 years of public service and faithful, qualifying payments along side routine paperwork filing with my servicers. not to mention hours on the phone when their system routinely fucked up the count. I finished over a year ago. and I am now on my 3rd servicer because the previous two had their exclusive national contract revoked for failing to do their job. after a year in limbo, they announced I qualified and forgave half of my loans. and since late spring, everything has been halted for everyone because the Biden admin bungled it’s extremely diluted reform of student loans (remember when we were all gonna get 50k forgiven?, then 10k?, finally settling quietly on 0k) such that the courts have halted every avenue to forgiveness for everyone.

    the only people who trust our institutions to keep their promises are those who are paying no attention to them.