You’d have to be willfully ignorant of context, history and systemic power dynamics to think misandry is a threat to men in the same way misogyny is a threat to… well, everyone.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      4 days ago

      The easiest way to weed out any form of reactionary sentiment is to call out that kind of sentiment and then bring the hammer down. We’ve seen this in earlier purges like the pronoun struggles, you can observe the same thing every time in any space where somebody brings up a topic reactionaries find “controversial”. People with the views that are called out will feel offended and double down, and it’s always in really obvious, blatantly mask off ways. When i’ve seen misogyny on this site before, it was usually a lot more vague and between the lines, now we have posters outright saying chud shit like

      examples from the mod log

      “misandrist drivel” or “women who are free to date who they want are an existential threat to me” or “nonbinary people can’t be lesbians”.

    • khizuo [ze/zir]
      4 days ago

      The men on this site were never okay, tbh. We’ve been complaining about the misogyny problem on the trans mega for months, and I’m sure it was a problem before I came here too.