Hey there, comrades. Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing. I’ve been away for a (loong) while and thought it would be a good time to look in on everyone.

As for me, I’ve had a few slip ups the past few months. However, I was able to get back into gear each time by just staying positive and not throwing in the towel despite tge relapses.

The past six months have been pretty difficult. I went to jail (yep, alcohol related), my RV burned down, I lost all the stuff I had in storage (all of my fiance’s stuff, who passed away is gone >_< ) and got my first DUI (which led me back to revisiting my dedication to my recovery). Even through all of it I am still plugging away and making positive changes to shape a better future for myself.

So, how’s life been for you guys?

  • loathsome dongeaterA
    4 hours ago

    I have cut down drinking after a month long bender two months ago. Since then I’ve only drank twice. Feeling good. Desire to drink has gone down significantly. Now the only situation where I want to drink is even the folks around me drive me up the wall but I have been able to stave off this coping mechanism lately.