I don’t want to hear any shit about me shilling for Biden, because I’m not. Fuck Biden. Need to get this off my chest though.

I want fascists around the world to feel what we felt the night Corbyn lost, when we found out Bernie had a heart attack, when he conceded defeat like a coward.

Because they haven’t felt anything but power and hate for the past 5 years.

The wave of fascist parties taking hold in Europe and parts of South America were buoyed by what happened on our stolen land. We showed them what was possible and we need to do that again, except in an explicit rejection of rightwing fascism.

I want Trump to be buried alive (electorally) so we can take (online) pilgrimages to piss on his (campaign’s) grave.

I want Biden to be on full display 24/7 so that the entire world realizes what a joke neoliberalism is and we can finally destroy it.

I want to build real power and bully libs and tell them that we don’t have to take their shit because “The dang cheeto” is no longer in the White House and we’re not fucking around, and all of the harm that is happening to people around the world is because their guy is a failure.

I feel at this point leftist orgs need to own up to their anti-fascist claims and do the bare minimum of calling for Trumps removal, even if they also denounce Biden in the process.

Anyways. Have a nice night, comrades. Stay safe and stay hydrated.

QUICK EDIT: I also wanna see the left organize an anti-war movement rivaling the leadup to Iraq under a Democratic president the minute Sleepy Joe tries to pull some shit. That would fucking slap.
Misinterpreted and I’m dead tired but this was just an example, not “wishing genocide” or some other weird shit.

ANOTHER EDIT: People seem to be implying that I am saying “vote for Biden”… I’m not, I am expressing my own views and feelings on the current state of hell, though it should NOT be controversial to want to remove a literal fascist from office on a leftist internet community.

  • Bob [he/him,he/him]@hexbear.net
    4 years ago

    If you think Trump has damaged the world or furthered the cause of american empire or “fascism” more than the years of Obama, Clinton, both Bush jr and sr, etc, then you just don’t know what’s going on.

    I want Biden to be on full display 24/7 so that the entire world realizes what a joke neoliberalism is and we can finally destroy it.

    To think any of this would happen would be just a flagrant disregard for the history of America as an empire.

    I want fascists around the world to feel what we felt the night Corbyn lost, when we found out Bernie had a heart attack, when he conceded defeat like a coward.

    Fascists aren’t some kind of nega-leftist, a dark opposite force or some bullshit. It’s an organic reaction to conditions from the system itself, so “fascists feeling” is just totally fucking irrelevant.

    The wave of fascist parties taking hold in Europe and parts of South America were buoyed by what happened on our stolen land.

    This is idealist bullshit. Idealist here (if you’re not familiar with leftist lingo) roughly meaning “believing that it is caused by ideas,” as opposed to a materialist analysis. Fascism isn’t some idea floating around that gains traction from people looking around and going DAM COOL RACISTS ELSEWHERE CAN DO IT TOO! It’s a mechanism within the system itself to save itself in a crisis. The reason for a fascist “wave” isn’t because of whatever fucking happens in the fucking USA, it’s because of a particular set of material conditions within these countries and globally. Trump doesn’t affect that and neither does Biden. It’s a wash on that front. You should look to what it says about people’s material conditions rather than what it says about whatever myopia you have about domestic US political theater.

    I say theater especially here because for everyone else in the world, the US empire does the same thing regardless, and Biden would be just as bad if not worse judging by history on that front.

    • KiaKaha [he/him]@hexbear.net
      4 years ago

      Trump doesn’t affect that and neither does Biden. It’s a wash on that front.

      Brains are material, and that aside, the superstructure is influenced by and influences the material.

      The material conditions can promote fascism, but having them surge elsewhere also feeds into it. It allows fascism examples of what tactics and messaging works. American cultural hegemony means any shift in American culture also affects overseas.

      If you’re familiar with the war of position, having Trump in the bully pulpit is a big win for fascism in that war. It also so happens that it harms liberals, which we like. It’s a Mexican stand off.

      • Bob [he/him,he/him]@hexbear.net
        4 years ago

        The extent to which Trump influences global fascism is infinitesimal compared with the extent to which it was affected by our last great financial crisis and the actions of US empire in the middle east. Both of these things would continue with minimal variation under a Biden presidency because both Biden (his party) and Trump (his party) share identical goals regarding either. Even if you could argue there is a difference, who knows which way that difference goes. What are the democratic imperial ambitions? What are their approaches to global finance?

    • heqt1c [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      4 years ago

      Did Biden (or Obama) designate “being anti-fascist” as domestic terrorism?

      Did he make excuses for or provide cover for attacks against our comrades?

      Will he do so when in office?

      I feel like the answer to all three of those things are a clear “no”.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
        4 years ago

        Did Biden (or Obama) designate “being anti-fascist” as domestic terrorism?

        Did he make excuses for or provide cover for attacks against our comrades?

        He literally did all of this two days ago, where you been?

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
            4 years ago

            “Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?”

            He literally said this yesterday, you’re full of shit

            • heqt1c [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
              4 years ago

              That’s because Trump is blaming centrist clowns like Biden for the unrest because the institutional rightwing actually understands political strategy.

              Trump is calling him a socialist, or a trojan horse… so I would rather Biden be honest about his tendencies than try and lie to pacify the left.

              And soft spot for rioters is a hell of a lot more tame than this statement Trump made just yesterday:

              "I also want to provide an update on left-wing political violence that we’re seeing in Democrat-run cities. Under my administration, federal law enforcement is working with state and local authorities all over the country to comb through hours of video, track down rioters, looters, and arsonists, and bring them to justice. We’ve just come up with a report that we’ve arrested a large number of people. It’s over 200. And you’ll be hearing about that, but they’ve been arrested in various cities throughout the United States. We’re doing it very low key, but we’re trying to help cities. They are, in all cases, Democrat-run, but we’re doing the best we can to help them without really much of a consent.

              We’d like to have the consent, as an example, in Portland. We could solve that problem in approximately one hour, but the mayor refuses, perhaps for political reasons. I don’t know why it’s good for him to have a city that’s falling apart and that’s under siege now for 94 days. But, really, it’s been under siege for years, if you know Portland.

              So, to the mayor, I say: Whenever you’re ready, let us know. We’ll solve your problem of violence. We’ll solve your problem of crime. We’ll arrest those criminals very rapidly, and you’ll be able to have some nice evenings in Portland."

              EDIT: Downvoted before even reading, nice.

              • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
                4 years ago

                lol is this your defense of Biden, that shifting right is actually good because Trump is being more reactionary? The fuck kind of logic is this, I’m not voting for either of them, Biden in his long career has done far more damage then Trump ever has, and Trump is only more reactionary in present rhetoric, it balances out and makes them both equally fascist scum, this isn’t rocket science

                Edit: By the way I read fast, whiner