
While hiking on a mountain in the Lazio region, I stumbled on a village where large posters of young Mussolini were being sold to tourists. Shockingly, at least at first, I realized that in some parts of Italy, the legacy of fascism continues to register as an emotionally loaded subject. Indeed, for some, it was the golden era of modern Italy.

Therefore, witnessing the horrific censorship underway in Italy and other European countries is most alarming. Though mainstream Italian politicians refuse to recognize that the government in Rome is adopting many of the fascist traits that defined the country a century ago, evidence suggests otherwise.


Rome’s politicians do not hesitate to betray the spirit of Italy’s anti-fascist Constitution–one of the most progressive anywhere in the world–which plainly states that “Italy rejects war”. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been sent or pledged by Rome in support of Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Italian politicians, now ready for yet another general election scheduled for September 25, are heavily invested in the anti-Russian war rhetoric, thus keen on presenting themselves as the saviors of Italy. Desperate for votes, Italy’s current Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio has recently denounced an alleged attempt from Moscow to interfere in Italian elections. He accused his rivals of ‘being silent’ on the supposed Russian meddling, a language that is reminiscent of years of haggling among U.S. politicians.

I would like to add that Benito Mussolini has his own tomb, and it is in pristine condition. (Photographs.)