I would have posted just the screenshot, but Hexbear is janking out so I was forced to pick this up from just so it’d go through. It’s too dense and heavy not to make a splash in the Drej Tank.
I would have posted just the screenshot, but Hexbear is janking out so I was forced to pick this up from just so it’d go through. It’s too dense and heavy not to make a splash in the Drej Tank.
You bet your gosh darn rear end he doesn’t!
Fuck’s sakes, can “apathy makes you smart and cool actually” die already as an ideology? As always, he certainly gives a fuck about a lot of things, like trying very hard to be the Meme Maestro of the world.
except he sounds like he cares a great deal about other peoples opinions of him. just about the cringiest thing you can care about but still.
Many such cases.
is part of a generation of especially privileged cishet white techbro demographic that thoroughly convinced itself that apathy was the be-all and end-all of coolness.
They care a lot about being seen as not caring.