Text: Meat = Murder

This was my first handmade stencil, my first attempt was a disaster, I used scissors and lost the integrity of the material. Here I punctured the plastic with a knife and it’s much sturdier.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    34 years ago

    i would recommend on your next one, use a rigid material that melts well and cut it with a hot knife. Some of the best stencils I’ve ever used have been those cheap dollar store cutting boards. Esp if they’re the really thin but really hard ones. Also, I’d recommend spending more time on layout, to ensure that everything’s even and aesthetic. And a preference recommendation, I hate holding onto stencils that don’t provide enough space for my fingers to push the stencil against the surface I’m painting against, because sometimes it causes a lesser end product, or will result on getting paint on my delicate lil fingies. Though, that might not be something you’ll care about.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      24 years ago

      oh also, if you care about crisp lines, I’d recommend putting a little tape on all of those blowouts, so paint won’t bleed through them.

      • @HildegardeOPM
        34 years ago

        thanks, I don’t know how serious I am about this, so I probably won’t go out to get a cutting board, but at the very least, I can take more time, and as you said, patch the blowouts