This day was kind of nothing, it was useful for me as a student but not for the Chronicles. Instead of course content we had a presentation from a person at the University letting us know about field placements and work integrated learning. This was to let us know that we can actually take work experience classes so when we graduate we have something on our resume and finding a job shouldn’t be as difficult, since so many jobs require five years of experience even though we need to work to get experience. These field placement classes wouldn’t pay us, but it’s experience that will help us in the future.

Not everyone can get in, unfortunately and there is an interview process to see if you’re good for the course and to figure out where to place you based on your location and travel limits (car vs transit). That’s where my professor came in with his own presentation about this course. He’s actually the one running this years field placement and will be conducting interviews, I will be going for it as I want to get a job (even part time) when I get my undergrad and am doing my masters.

For history students we will be placed in museums and archives, which I thought was interesting. For the interview I have to provide a resume, professor references, a small blurb as to why you want to be in the course, and your current grades. I am getting my resume prepared and I realized that I suck at making them. Im not worried about it being fancy, and I got all the important information down (previous work experience, education, contact info) but the skills section is annoying as hell. When I looked up to see if listing one’s skills was necessary, some said yes and some said no because your education and work experience should be able to communicate your skills well enough on their own, also they want you to show not tell. I may have to ask my professor if it’s needed considering he knows me well enough and will get information from other professors who know me too.

There’s not much else to say so I’ll end the post here. Again, I apologize for this one being so late but lots of shit got in the way, unfortunately.