• roux [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    4 days ago

    Our week went pretty well. Felt a lot like it was back to normal. Nothing drama to really report.

    I had a “hiring event” style interview for the local hospital. I made a post about it. But I get there and wait in line for 45 mins to finally get to the actual interview and like 5 mins into it, they tell me the position was actually filled 3 days ago because the person that quit asked for their job back. So yeah big fucking waste of my time.

    I am attempting to network to try and find clients and I’d really like this to just fucking take off so I can make websites for people and have an income because I think I’m basically done with the job thing for now on. Working is a fucking joke. But yeah I"m trying to get out of post-interview funk. I applied an IT position for a local gas station chain and I guess I’m on their blacklist for getting fired from there 10 years ago when I was working as a cashier and the firing was over a miscommunication. I was fired because coworkers didn’t understand delegation of duties but the lady that was stealing cartons of cigarettes got a promotion. Such is life.

    Moving on, me and the oldest have our first scouts meeting tonight. We missed last week’s. They are already planning a camping trip so I need to plan for easy vegan snacks for that weekend since I don’t wanna be that guy. I am already prepping for 2 whole days of masking(autism, not facemask) so that is going to be draining.

    • arbitrary
      3 days ago

      Glad to see another vegan parent on here too! Our whole family is.

      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        2 days ago

        I’m the only vegan out of the 4 of us but I also do most of the cooking, so they do end up partially eating vegan a lot. It’s a bit fucked up when I make a spaghetti sauce and use TVP or Impossible grounds and then the cover it in cheese though.

        It also sucks because my partner really isn’t great at cooking(she’ll even admit it) so sometimes like when we have burgers, I have to intervene and help her so at times it feels like a losing battle. She’s supposedly anarchist and won’t even vegan up. sadness

        Funny enough, even at our scouts meeting that was last night, they were covering nutrition and was like “Meat is protein. Meat is protien.” 1984 and I wanted to be like, “Plants also have protein. In fact peanuts, soy beans and lentils are the most dense protein foods when comparing price and calories, etc” but like I said, I’m trying to mask and be a normie.

        • arbitrary
          17 minutes ago

          That sounds difficult tbh, I’ve always wondered how I’d manage in that situation. Sounds like you’re handling it pretty well though if you’ll even help your partner cook meat, that’d be hard for me at this point.

          Ugh we’ve run into so many people like at your scouts meeting, especially from my in-laws at first. Luckily I shut that shit down right away. They make faces or talk about the food behind our backs but that’s it. The area we live in isn’t very vegan friendly either so that gets tough, we eat out once a month and we’re kinda of bored of the same three options.

      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        2 days ago

        Quick update from last night, but they did start the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and ended with prayer. Not super happy about pushing imperialism and religion on kids and an extracurricular org. But I think that is mostly my lefty brain judging. Normies gonna norm.

      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        4 days ago

        I probably will since this is a big change for both of us. So probably mention the good, bad, and ugly.

        My main focus is to first make sure my kid is having fun, then to try and blend in and be “one of the guys” instead of a chronically depressed disassociating autistic socialist lol.