I know it has like 3 likes but I’ve seen so many people with this view, it’s insane ‘My uncle went to help them as a missionary but they’re hopeless LOL aren’t you glad to live in America?’

Meanwhile this is what missionaries do in Haiti:

CW s-----l child abuse

And the UN: CW child grooming

And the fact that this person clearly thinks that they’re smarter and superior to every Haitian when they don’t even understand production. Racism is a disease, instead of trying to find the answer to this contradiction they conclude ‘because they’re African lol’ they genuinely believe the 67 IQ lie.

  • vegeta1 [none/use name]
    4 days ago

    Always been that way with these fucks. Heres a nice thought… Climate change will ravage the global south. Be certain that more fascist shit like this will be used to justify the untold suffering that is to come.

    • weeen [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
      4 days ago

      This makes me so angry, at least if the US starts nuclear world war over oil or something we’ll all be dead. But climate change will barely affect the people that caused it, it’s so unfair.

      You can already tell that they’re going to go Malthusian mode/blame it on the global south while still exploiting them for profits.

      • NPa [he/him]
        4 days ago

        cap-think “No one wants to work anymore”

        (camera pans to a vast field of skulls in a scorching desert covering the entire southern hemisphere)

      • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
        4 days ago

        Why do you think both parties are so adamant about bolstering and militarizing the southern border? And reactionary Europeans and their media advocating the same and fomenting fascist petty-bourgeois hatred over it? The refugee and immigrant ‘crises’ that they’re lashing out against and fomenting panic and hate over right now is nothing compared to what the ruling class of the global north know is coming as a result of their incapability and refusal to lift their collective foot from the gas, as we are all turning to see the cliff in the rear window.

        I say arm all climate refugees. They already are talked about and treated, and are increasingly going to be, as if they’re an “invading army” by fascists and Liberals-pretending-not-to-be-fascists anyway. And if they organized as one in deliberate political action, it would almost certainly be the most justified “invasion” that has ever happened in the history of humanity.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        4 days ago

        I get a weird spasm of pure rage when people compare climate change to nukes (not calling you out here, my issue is with people who attempt to minimize it with “I lived through the cold war and nuclear bomb drills” when dismissing climate angst) because the threat of nuclear war is inverted compared to climate change: nuclear war requires people to do it willfully. Climate change requires people to do nothing. We’re already locked in. We are on the trajectory. If climate apocalypse can be compared to nuclear apocalypse then in this analogy the nukes are already in flight.

        And to add even more to it: we still have nukes! We did not get rid of the nukes! You think a world with ecological and resource instability is going to be less inclined to use nukes than the half century of massive industrialization and economic growth after WW2? I would sleep better at night if I was that blessedly naive.

        Oh and as for the “we did nuclear drills” shit… kids have school shooter drills. So just… fuck those minimizers and their bullshit arguments. I hate them. So much.

        Sorry for derailing in your Haiti thread but God almighty it strikes a chord in me when I see that kinda shit. So to bring it back to the original topic I believe these people absolutely will support walls and barb wire, auto turrets, guards with shoot-to-kill orders, the sinking of migrant boats with sea mines and naval weaponry. The whole arsenal will be deployed to ensure they are the last ones to feel the full weight of how much they fucked this planet up. And they will abdicate their responsibility while we all spiral into man-made hell and the ‘christian missionaries’ among them will solemnly hold out their palms in supplication and say “We’re sorry, I guess it was God’s will this happened.”


        • weeen [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
          4 days ago

 Yeah I agree with you, it’s literally happening right now but it’s a global south western ally country so no one cares. (this channel is really good btw, the reactionary looking wojak thumbnails are just to bait chuds) When things get worse there’s no reason to believe they won’t do this in the west, whether you vote Trump, Kamala, Starmer, Farage, Macron, whoever.

          Not to go doomer mode but sometimes it feels like a sick joke, yeah the people who’ve suffered under this system are going to suffer more as the world melts so I can show you this AI picture of muslims laughing at a white girl on the bus. But we have to keep pushing, this is a critical period for reading, organising and planning.

        • vegeta1 [none/use name]
          4 days ago

          Thank you. See you understand the reality of what is being faced. Especially with the nukes. Its inevitable that we will face dwindling resources. Even if climate change magically didn’t murk us shit like fossil fuels are becoming more and more scarce and thus more expensive to extract. It will take time but its coming. Climate change makes a lot of the issues even worse and the instability that will arise from it may well make these guys less apprehensive to nukes. We’re already seeing people playing with fire on this in Ukraine Russia conflict can you imagine in the future where things are substantially getting much much worse?

          In a short time 2/3 of the world is gonna live in water stressed areas. That number is only gonna go up. These conditions are not conducive to peace

          • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
            4 days ago

            A major reason ISIS took and maintained power in Syria was because they gained control over the water supply. It will be easier for future historians to analyze the Syrian Civil War (since they will have the benefit of hindsight). One hypothesis on how the war escalated is the lack of access to fresh water.

            In other words, we entered the “water wars” stage of climate collapse about a decade ago.

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            4 days ago

            These conditions are not conducive to peace

            Well said. There are a lot of stories from history of conflicts that emerged because the previously balanced systems tipped and suddenly a whole lot of people had to move and there were already people where they intended to go. It’s basically why the whole white yeoman homestead idea the right fetishes is such a dead end. Oh sure we’re all content on our orderly acreages now. But what happens when Jeck Stumpman diverts the creek above your land? What if Borp Whingle chops down all his trees? What if the Jensensensens have thirty large adult sons that need land to inherit? “Every man a king of his tiny fief” exploding into feudal warlordism in a couple generations, guaranteed. Toss in a natural weather event and the process just accelerates.

            The people that control our political economies have zero fucking clue how to handle a complete systemic crisis. So far their only solution is “I guess we’ll mash the fascism button even harder.”

            • vegeta1 [none/use name]
              4 days ago

              Yeah you’re right. I see such wanton disregard for human life like Madeleine Albright infamous quote and that is under the best if circumstances and material condition’s. How bad will it be when its clear that things will deteriorate. Shit even now in America that isn’t hit as hard aquifers like ogallala aquifer is depleting. Top soil erosion is a problem that is getting worse long term and that is an absolutely catastrophic scenario. Thats used to grow 95% of foods. Once this perceived depletion of resources becomes abundantly clear it is gonna be open season

          • weeen [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
            4 days ago

            Do you have any resources to read about climate change? I know that things will get worse but I’m pretty illiterate on the specifics

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      4 days ago

      This is why I’ve given up hope in the west. It’s unlikely that anyone will adapt socialism to help mitigate climate change, and more likely everyone will quadruple down on capitalism and mr. Beast tree planting.

      Then when shit really hits the fan, the west will choose genocide and suffering rather than reducing consumption.

      Sometimes I wish I was born after the apocalypse because at least then I wouldn’t waste my time pondering about a better future

      • vegeta1 [none/use name]
        4 days ago

        People will doubt it but I was reading about the death toll india suffered under the brits. It was absurd when put together. The death toll may even dwarf what was said in that so goofy black book of communism. I don’t put any level of cruelty above them.