The claim is that the greenish space makes dark objects appear more easily, and I know the “realism/fidelity” claims were clownishly wrong considering the space-fascist future features hand carts (that you have to buy with real world money!) and a star system loaded with 90s malls with hot dog stands, but something about making space itself a soupy greenish is… well…
Wow, the space in No Man’s Sky from 2016 looks better, and it’s actually a game you can put hundreds of hours into. Plus, No Man’s Sky was made by like 5-10 people in a small studio with basic tools. What’s Star Citizen’s excuse?
No Man’s Sky was made by CUCKS who HATE white people. Chris Roberts fucks and is an ALPHA MALE that LOVES white people and will make them great again.
What’s Star Citizen’s excuse?
750 million in revenue and rising is the excuse.
Superman 64-lookin’ ass game
Superman 64 sucked, but at least it released as a complete product, didn’t cost .75 billion (and rising) to produce, and didn’t expect escalating sticker prices to play.
What I thought you loony leftoids liked green things?
all the talk about more “green spaces” and when someone finally delivers everyone hates it.
The claim is that the greenish space makes dark objects appear more easily,
seems like they could have just made the ships less dark to see them more easily since you know actual space ships are usually white anyway.
tbh I don’t even hate the look but I also don’t care about realism
tbh I don’t even hate the look but I also don’t care about realism
I wouldn’t mind the greenish space at all and I wouldn’t even mock it if it weren’t for the big spending true believers declaring how much “fidelity” Star Citizen has and how “realistic” it all is and how “no shortcuts are taken” in the so-called simulation.
I mean they could also just make the ships, stations or whatever they think needs to be visible just look as if they had a light source on them, you know, like classic space games did.
Back when I payed Eve I liked how different sectors of space had different hues. I had some good times in that game, even though I was a very small fish.
Every two years I reinstall and think, “maybe this time it’ll stick!” and then i get frustrated by spreadsheets and zero actual gameknowledge and quit
The only Greenish that should be in space is right here:
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Realism chuds when realism makes game worse (they want to have to pee every 3 hours and sleep for at least 8).
In the current version of the eternal pre-alpha of Star Citizen, if you don’t visit those space malls regularly and eat a space hot dog every few hours, you die. That’s fidelity!