If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it must be a duck. My favorite part is : “We are not white trash. That’s what everyone is saying about us, but we’re not.” if EVERYONE says it, odds are it is probably true.

  • grue@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    No, it’s true: these parents/perps are genuinely not “white trash.”

    “White trash” implies that they’re poor, uneducated, or otherwise disadvantaged – in other words, it paints the situation as a class issue and implies that they deserve some non-zero amount of sympathy for the circumstances that led to this.

    On the contrary: the killer’s parents were middle-class and would be considered “normal,” if not for their evil ideology, fucked-up priorities, and anti-social behavior. They deserve no sympathy and no leniency. The kid himself might, as the victim of their abuse, but the parents sure as Hell don’t!

    Bringing up “white trash” as a talking point (even by denying it, unprovoked) is a misdirection. Don’t fall for it!