The problem with that question is that you get accusations of genocide. If you point out that it’s overblown and/or falsified to fit the narrative, it’s genocide denial. If you point out that the fine capitalist countries have done and are continuing to do worse than what they accuse communist countries of, it’s whattaboutism. If you continue to press, then the capitalist countries made a whoopsie, or it’s all the fault of one man, while communists are just bloodthirsty and evil. Evidenced by the genocide… And back to square one.
The problem with that question is that you get accusations of genocide. If you point out that it’s overblown and/or falsified to fit the narrative, it’s genocide denial. If you point out that the fine capitalist countries have done and are continuing to do worse than what they accuse communist countries of, it’s whattaboutism. If you continue to press, then the capitalist countries made a whoopsie, or it’s all the fault of one man, while communists are just bloodthirsty and evil. Evidenced by the genocide… And back to square one.